Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

We sat in the small café right beside Lena's flower shop and basically stared at our ice creams . Raini didn't even touch her vanilla ice cream even though Diego said it was her favorite . Personally I preferred chocolate , Sheila preferred strawberry and Diego , well Diego got Oreo ice cream , cheesecake flavored ice cream AND lemon flavored ice cream .

"Hey guys " a perky voice greeted . It was Lena and she was heading towards our table . Sheila pulled up a chair for her and she sat down . "What's with the long faces ?" she asked taking a bit of Sheila's strawberry ice cream with her finger and putting it in her mouth .

"Broduey's dead ." cried Raini and I immediately hugged her . She cried silently on my shoulder as Lena tried to process the news .

"I can't believe it , you guys I'm so sorry . Oh My God ! how ?" she exclaimed with a mixture of horror and sadness on her face .

"He was murdered ." explained Sheila .

"Oh my goodness . by who ?"

"We don't know yet ." I answered .

"Well when's the funeral ?"

"There won't be one ." explained Diego , he was starting to tear up . "Syndrome's too much of a bitch to allow that ."

"Oh my god that's so sad !"

"You know what ?" exclaimed Diego " Broduey deserves something special . If we can't hold a funeral for him we should at least honor his memory , somehow , we can't let him be forgotten like that ."

"Well we could set up a shrine for him in the forest , and have like a little gathering , maybe read him eulogies ?" I suggested .

" That's exactly what we're gonna do ." approved Diego " Violetta you are a genius !"

I blushed and the rest of the conversation was basically us planning the shrine and the gathering and it felt good to be a part of this , because even though I didn't know Broduey all that well , I knew him enough to be certain , that he deserves to be remembered .

Leon's POV

I walked hastily in the woods . I heard the steps of an animal nearbye . It sounded like a big animal , like a wolf or a pig . But it didn't scare me . It used to when I first started coming here but not anymore . That's the thing with animals , if you leave them be , they'll leave YOU be .

I took the familiar twists and turns between the sad trees till I found the small beat up shack that hid deep within the forest .

I knocked on the dusty wooden door . Twice . Pause . Once . Pause . Then twice again . That was the secret knock . The knock that let Rodney know it was just a customer and not Syndrome or a tattle-tale that might try to close down his dealing business . He's the guy I bought my beer from . Instead of wasting my time by going to town to get it like idiots , such as Diego and his friends , I came here . Cheaper , closer and racism free . Not that Rodney was an ideal guy , racism will look like ultimate kindness to you once you saw what kind of scumbag he is . Just a few weeks ago I heard he tried to rape a fourteen year old girl, I mean I'm no saint but at least I'm not a perverted pedophilic rapist .

But no matter how big of an asshole he is , beer is beer and business is business .

He opened the door and let me in .

"So Li-Li " he smirked sitting down on his wooden chair "the usual ?"

"Don't call me LiLi and yea but add in some candy ."

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