Chapter 4

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Once i finished the chores with my group , i practically ran back to my room hoping to find Francesca there .

I opened the door , and stepped into an empty room . I decided to wait , if she's not back in an hour i'll go to Diego and ask for information . I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling , but as you might imagine , that quickly got boring so i decided to listen to some music on my phone . But when i pulled it out the battery was dead . Great , now what i'm supposed to do ?!

An idea popped into my head , i went through my bag , and took out my new history book which i picked up at the library after we were done rearranging the books of the science section . I opened it to page 19 to be met with Anne Frank's face once again .


The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. "Holocaust" is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire." The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that Germans were "racially superior" and that the Jews, deemed "inferior," were an alien threat to the so-called German racial community."

I kept reading until the first page about Anne Frank :

"Anne Frank starts keeping a diary from her thirteenth birthday. She takes the diary to the hiding place, of course. Anne enters the Secret Annex as a girl, but grows into a young woman there. She spends more time thinking about life, and records her thoughts in her diary. "

And just as I finish the first paragraph , the hour is up , so I put my shoes back on and head to Diego's room. I knock on the door but there was no answer . I wait and knock again , but still , there was no answer. Ok he was obviously not in his room . So I decided to go look for him .

I made my way through the halls , not really knowing where I was going since I was still new here and this place didn't exactly come with a map .

After like ten minutes of walking , I found myself in the library , it was empty save for the couple making out on the love seat .

Brianna was in Federico's lap , and his arms were around her , holding her tight as if losing her would kill him , and as much as I hated breaking up their little lovey-dovey fest , because they actually looked adorable , I needed to know where Diego was .

"uhum ..." I coughed and both their heads snapped to look at me . Both their cheeks were rosy red and it was so cute .

"Oh hi Violetta , we didn't see you there." Said Brianna , looks like Federico was too shy to speak . Did I mention that they were adorable ?

"Yea I figured " I laughed earning a smile from both of them "I was actually looking for Diego ."

"Oh he's in the music room , we saw him on our way here ." Answered Brianna .

"ok Thanks . You two can go back to doing what you were doing earlier now ." I laughed .

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