Chapter 7

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Angie's POV

I was organizing my papers in the music room when Jona came in .

"Hey mom "

"Hey sweetheart "

"uhm so we finished our chores and me and the guys were wondering if we could go into town ."

"Why ? please tell me you're gonna get someone to get that awful blue color out of your hair "

"No mom I like my hair like this ."

"But it was so pretty and blond and -"

"Mom that's not the point ." she cut me off .

"oh ok you guys can go but don't stay out too late ."

"Thanks mom " she hugged me tight and I hugged her back .

"And just so you know , the blue hair suits you to ." I complemented .

"I love you mom " she tightened her hug .

"I love you too baby "


After Jona left I went back to work but then another blond came to pay me a visit .

"Hey there beautiful ." he said approaching me.

"Hey yourself handsome ." I answered dropping the papers on my desk . Work can wait .

"How was your day ?" he asked wrapping me in a hug .

"It was great . Oh Matias you should've heard the new girl ! her voice is like magic !"

"Who Sheila ?"

"No Violetta ."

"Hum .. well I know something else that feels like magic ."

He leaned in and we started kissing and I knew right then that I won't be finishing any paperwork today .

Violetta's POV

Now that we had Angie's permission to go into town , and that we were all grouped at the gate , minus Camilla and Sheila all we had to do was get Sheila and leave . Camilla doesn't know about this because it's supposed to be a surprise for her . But I wonder why Sheila was late .

"I'm gonna go see where she is ." I declared walking down the hallway . Brianna went after me .

"Number one rule in horror movies , never go anywhere alone or the killer gets you . " she said tangling her arm with mine .

"Humm you're right , I don't want to end up in shish-kabab ."

"HAHAHA more like shish-vilu ."

"does that even work ?" I laughed .

"yea , shish means the stick thingy you put the meat on . I think it's an Arabic word but I'm not sure ."

"It is so cool you know that ." we laughed together .

"Hey girls wait up !" and now it was Federico .

"What's wrong ?" asked Brianna .

"Nothing , I just remembered that there's a killer loose in the school and if he attacks you'll probably need a strong macho man to protect you ."

"Really Fede because last I remember I beat you at arm-wrestling and normal wresting ." answered Brianna .

"Wow " I exclaimed surprised .

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