Chapter 3

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After Breakfast i walked with Diego and his friends to our first class . History with Mr. Matias .

"Hello Class i'm Matias LaFontaine and ill be your history teacher this year ." he introduced himself when he walked in .

Lafontaine ? could he be ? no ! but what if ? no no way ! i raised my hand , i just had to ask !

"Yes ?"

"Are you related to Jade LaFontaine ?"

"No sweetheart , i don't have any living relatives , now why don't you come up here and introduce yourself to the class ."

i stood up , and scanned the room . No Francesca . I was getting worried . I know i had no reason to but i couldn't shake the feeling that something bad happened to her .

" Hello , My name is Violetta Castillo , i'm 16 years old and i came her from Argentina ."

"Now i want all of you to make Violetta feel welcomed , you can go back to your seat Violetta and since it's your first day you can share a book with Diego but make sure to go by the library today to get your school things ."

I nodded and sat back next to Diego .

"Hey book buddy ." he smiled .

"That was lame ." i giggled .

"Don't make fun !"he pouted .

"Ok class , open your books to pages 19 and 20 , now you'll notice a picture of Hitler and Anne Frank at the top of the page , that's because we're going to be studying about the Holocaust ." said Mr. Matias.

He turned out to be an awesome teacher , i've never been this interested in a History lesson in my life !

After History we had English , then Math with Mr. Gregorio who was by far the meanest man i've ever met and then Music .

And all day , i didn't see Fransesca .

"ok kids. Does anyone have a song or a musical piece they would like to play for us ?" asked Miss Angeles .

No one raised their hands except for Diego .

"We all know you're talented Diego but let's give the chance for someone else to perform , you have the whole year in front of you to get your turn ."

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