Chapter 18

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Hello ! ok so i made an edit for Maxi which you can see upstairs . do you like it ? and the video is the teaser for this book ! Watch it and tell me what you think !

thanks a bunch ! xx

Chapter 18

Ludmilla's POV

Leon's on drugs , there was no doubt about it. He's been acting weird for a while now , but his weirdest episode was the one in Mr. Matias' class. I didn't like it . I didn't like it at all . I somehow felt responsible , but I decided to ignore that feeling because I didn't put a gun to Leon's head and forced him to take drugs. It was his choice . His doing . His fault . Not mine.

Sheila's POV

"You're so ugly ." the voice in my head said when I woke up . "Look at your stomach , it's so flabby you need to go on a diet ."

"Fat ass " it continued as I put my clothes on . Naty was still asleep .

"Naty come on we have to get to breakfast ." I shook her lightly . She flailed her arms a bit and then fluttered her eyelids .

"Where's Dean ?" she asked looking around her bed . Oh lord she was naked under these sheets . oh god .

"I think he left after you fell asleep , I heard him close the door on his way out ." I explained .

"Heard him ?" she laughed " you mean stared at him naked ."

"What no !" my cheeks flushed , why the hell would I even want to see him naked ?!

"Why ? are you gay ? I mean Dean has the finest ass , and did you see the size of that dick ? I don't think I'll be able to have sex with white people after him . I mean Leon's dingdong seems tiny next to Dean's !"

"That's great Naty , now get dressed , if you're late to Gregorio's class , again , I swear he will eat your head off ."

"Maybe I can persuade him to eat me out instead ." she winked .

"You're disgusting ." I stated shaking my head . She laughed . I left the room .

But as soon as I was outside and alone , the voices came back . I haven't been hearing them since I got here , I thought they would never come back . Guess I was wrong .

"You're so fat . and ugly ! you're worthless !" it repeated but I made sure to make my facial features stay neutral . I already have too many things wrong with me , if people find out I hear voices in my head on top of everything else , they'll hate me for sure .

"No one loves you anyway !" the voice in my head chanted . I sucked in a breath , trying to bottle up the pain . It's going to be a long day .

Violetta's POV

I honestly don't like parties . Drinking too much and playing stupid pointless games,never really appealed to me . But it seems like everyone around needs cheering up , and lots of it . So during chores I suggested it .

"I don't think it's a good idea ." answered Maxi immediately . "One of our best friends just died . That would be disrespectful . "

"Yea Vilu , plus we don't know how Diego might react to that , I mean he's lost so many people recently ... " agreed Jona .

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