The Untold Truth Behind Hatred

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Link's POV

I slowly woke up, my eyes heavy as ever. I stretched, yawned, got dressed, basic morning things. I don't exactly remember the last time I actually got a good rest. Usually I sleep for 3 hours a night, 4 if I'm lucky.

I walked out the door, still half asleep. Oof! I bumped into someone, falling onto the floor. "Well, well, well! If it isn't the little chosen one!" A recognizable voice teased. I looked up and saw Revali hovering over me with his arms crossed. Why is he kinda... Ah! No! I shook that thought out of my head

"So, are you ready to get your butt kicked?" He teased again. I frowned and got up, keeping eye contact with him. I walked past him, just wanting to get this over with. Revali tagged along, just to annoy me.

We arrived at the training grounds, the other champions were there as well. "Good luck, chosen one!" Revali said sarcastically as he went to sit down so he and the others could watch.

Three gates opened, revealing three gold lynels. I gulped, although I knew I could kill them, lynels had always made me uneasy. All three charged at me at the same time. I dodged their attacks by doing a backflip. Time seemed to slow down as I unleashed a fury of attacks on them. The lynels roared.

30 minutes of battling passed and I had finally defeated the lynels. I fell on one knee, trying to catch my breath. I had a few cuts and lots of bruises, but I was quite used to it. I heard clapping come from one side of the room. I looked over to see the champions cheering for me. All except Revali.

"Woo, Link!"


"You did great!"


The clapping continued. I caught my breath and stood up. I noticed Revali staring me down, making me uneasy. I went up to him and stood there, waiting for him to say something.

"What? You wanna be praised or something?" He teased. I frowned, feeling kind of hurt by his comment. Why do I want his attention so much? I asked myself. "Hello? You there? You're staring!" I was snapped out of my trance.

"Revali, be nice to Link or else ill zap you with my lighting until your feathers fall off." Urbosa threatened. I tried not to laugh.

"Are you threatening me?!" Revali fixed his posture

"Maybe, maybe not." Urbosa grinned, causing the rest of the group to burst out laughing.

Revali looked furious. "Shut up!" He quickly flew away. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry about him, he's just jealous that he cant beat a single lynel." Urbosa teased. But I knew that wasn't it. I knew there was a reason he was so cocky. I wanted to run after him, but both of us were busy today.

I hopped on my horse, Epona, and went off to find Impa. I started heading to Giants Forest, where a giant Hinox sleeps. That was my training today, to kill a bunch of Hinox's spread throughout Hyrule. Fuck, I'm exhausted.. I thought as I approached the forest. I circled around the forest until I saw Impa patiently waiting for me.

I hopped off Epona and jogged up to her with a smile. "About time you got here! I thought I would have had to wait here forever!" She lectured. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Alright, the king changed your training today. He said finding Hinox all over Hyrule would take days, so now you just have to kill this one. Then you'll kill a Stone Talus, alright?"

I nodded. Drawing my sword, I approached the sleeping Hinox. Wow, I wish I could sleep like that. I raised my sword above its eye and stabbed it, right before it could wake up. The Hinox groaned in pain, and got up as I struggled to take my sword out. Shit, shit! I panicked as the Hinox stood up, leaving me hanging on to my sword. I was quickly thrown against a tree, completely knocking the wind out of me. I quickly stood back up, still unable to breathe. Ignore it, I must ignore the pain just like father taught me. I thought.

I pulled out my bow and started shooting bomb arrows into the Hinox eye. The Hinox wailed in pain as it fell to the floor, dying.

Time skip to 3 hours later

I panted, catching my breath and struggling to stand. I just beat 1 Hinox and 3 Stone Taluses. "Link! Are you okay?" Impa rushed over to me, trying to help. I swiped her away. I just wanted to go back to the castle. "Link, you need help! You are all bruised up!" I pushed her away again. I remembered I brought spare bandages, so I wrapped them around my bleeding head. Ignore the pain. Ignore it. I thought. Impa gave me a worried look. "Fine...Be stubborn, but tomorrows training will be much harder!" She said as she got on here horse.

Both of use went separate ways. She went back to Kakariko Village, and I returned to the castle. Nobody was awake, other than guards. Which was expected since it is quite late. I walked back up to my room. I reached for the doorknob. CRASH! What was that?? I turned around. It came from Revali's Room. I knocked on the door, wanting to make sure he was okay. No response. I got impatient and quickly burst into the room. It's trashed.. There were things everywhere. Pillows, blankets, even a few arrows.

I looked up and saw Revali sitting on his balcony. What is he doing? I approached the balcony cautiously, not wanting to disturb him. I sat next to him. His knees were to his chest. "What do you want!" He snapped, breaking out of his trance. Silence filled the air for a few seconds until he spoke again. "If you aren't gonna say anything, then leave!" I wanted to say something, I really did. But I haven't spoken since I was around 5.

I opened my mouth to speak. "a...a...r" is all that came out. Fuck, this hurts so much! Revali whipped his head to look at me. "What? Are you trying to speak?!" I couldn't tell if he was angry, or excited. Either way, I kept trying to talk.

Eventually, I gave up on trying to say a whole sentence. " ka..y?" Is all I could say. My throat burned like a bitch. I knew what I said didn't make any sense when I saw Revali's puzzled face. "Jee, just spit it out already!" He growled, getting impatient. "Are....y-u....ouu o....k-ka...y?" I eventually spat out. I immediately started coughing. My voice was hoarse as ever, and I sounded the complete opposite from comforting. Revali snickered a bit, before bursting into laughter.

"You sound like a middle school Rito going through puberty that JUST started vocal training!" He cackled. I stared at him unamused. He eventually stopped laughing and we both sat there, staring at the sky.

Eventually, he broke the silence. "Well, to answer your question..." He paused for a moment. "I guess I'm just...jealous. I trained so hard, became the best warrior among the Rito, only for a scrawny looking Hylian to take the spot I've been working for.." He looked at the ground, clearly upset. He's jealous? Of me? I would have never known. He hid it so well. I wrapped my arm around him and rested my head on his, trying to comfort him.

He didn't say anything. Well, before he COULD say anything I was already asleep on his shoulder.

Hey yall! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Credits to 4nOda on Tumblr for the image! :)
(Im literally so tired rn😭)
1320 words

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