Glad You're Okay

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Revali's POV

It had been a few hours since we kissed. I couldn't get it out of my head. I blushed each time I thought about it.

I realized that I never asked Link if he wanted to be my boyfriend. "Fuck..fucking dumbass." I muttered to myself. I walked away, I need to find Link.

I started to search the castle for him, but couldn't find him. I then ran into Daruk. "Hey, do you know where Link went?" I crossed my arms, waiting for him to respond. "YEAH, I THINK HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO KILL SOME MONSTERS!" He shouted. I nodded and thanked him.

Goddamnit, Link. You're so reckless. I thought as I left the castle. Once outside, I created an updraft which sent me flying.

I started searching for Link. I searched Hyrule Field, the Tabantha region, Zoras Domain, etc and I still couldn't find him. I felt myself grow even more worried by the second.

I decided to wait for him to come back to the castle, I would ask him then. On my way back, I noticed Link lying in a patch of grass. Finally. I dove down, ready to scold him.

As I got closer, I noticed he didn't look very well. I landed softly, and approached him slowly. "Link?" I crouched down. "Link!" I started shaking him when I realized he was unconscious.

I quickly picked him up and put him on my back. I flew away, heading to the castle.

"Help! Link needs help!" I shouted once I entered the castle. The champions came running. "What happened?!" Zelda asked, worried. "I don't know. He was just like this when I found him!"

We decided Mipha was the best person to take care of Link, since she did have healing powers. I anxiously watched as Mipha took Link to her room, closing the door behind her.

I ran into my room and flopped into my bed. Usually, I would do my nightly routine before going to bed. But today was just a lot to handle, so I fell asleep almost instantly.

Link's POV
Link's dream

"Hello? Anyone there?" I shouted. I was once again in a pitch black void. My voice echoed, sending chills down my spine. It was cold. Really cold.

"Oh, Link." I heard a man chuckle. I turned around to see nobody was there. "Where are you?!" I shouted, frantically searching for the source of the voice.

The chuckling stopped, and the man stepped out of the shadows. Ganondorf. I got in a fighting stance, ready to pounce. Ganondorf burst out laughing. "Oh Link. You're hilarious." He teased.

"To answer your question, I am everywhere. Watching your every move as I'm being reconstructed." Wait, did he say reconstructed?! My eyes widened. "You didn't think you actually sealed me, did you?"

I was silent. He then faded into the shadows once again. Suddenly I was on Hyrule Field. There were arrows everywhere, screaming, and fire. I looked down in a panic to see all my friends, dead.

"Link..Help me..." Revali crawled up to me, dying in the process. "REVALI!" I shouted, lifting his head off the ground. "NO!"

I grunted as I woke up. "You're finally awake." A familiar voice got closer. I turned around to see Mipha. Immediately, I hugged her. "Is everything alright? You had another nightmare." She asked as she broke the hug.

Hesitantly, I nodded. I didn't want to worry anyone. She sighed. "Well, if you say so. You should go talk to Revali. He's worried sick about you." I smiled at her and got up, quickly leaving the room.

I walked up to Revali's room and knocked. No answer. I knocked again, and again. Still no answer. I sighed and entered the room. When I entered, the lights were out. I heard faint sobbing coming from the hammock in the corner.

I approached the hammock, and was surprised to see Revali, sobbing his eyes out. Worry rushed over me, and I tapped him to make sure he was okay. "Link?!" Revali turned around and I was immediately pulled into a tight hug.

"I thought you would never wake up!" He cried. Jee, how long was I out for? I patted his back, comforting him.

He broke free from the hug, wiping his tears. "Link, tell me. What happened. Why were you passed out?" Concern and worry filled his eyes. I desperately searched for a pen and a notebook, and I was lucky to find a pen and notebook right next to me. I started to write what I remembered.

I passed the note to him and watched him read; I was fighting monsters, as usual. And then this strange black liquid slithered up to me, moving on its own. It started to slither away and out of curiosity I followed it. Then before I knew it, I was out cold.

He closed the notebook. "Do you think it could be related to the nightmares you've been having?" I shrugged. It probably did have something to do with my nightmares, but we didn't have enough information yet.

I then remembered my dream. I snatched the notebook out of Revali's hand. He looked at me in confusion as I started writing again; I had a dream. Like always, I was in a dark void. But ganon said something about him being everywhere while he was being reconstructed.

Revali's eyes widened with fear as he read. "We need to tell Zelda in the morning. I'm sure she would like to know about it." I nodded, agreeing with him. Suddenly, I was pulled into the hammock.

My face became a deep red. Yes, we did this every night now. But this time, we were so close together due to the size of the hammock. And he was shirtless, which always gave me butterflies no matter how many times I saw him without a shirt.

I slowly drifted back to sleep. As I did, I started to wonder. If me and him kissed, what would that make us? Thought. After a while, I shrugged it off and fell asleep.

Sorry for not really posting yesterday. The only chapter I really posted yesterday was one that I wrote at like 1 AM.
But anyway, school just started yesterday and right when I woke up in the morning I felt extremely stressed. Which is how I usually feel every school morning. But the rest of the day, I was very angry and tired. Ig thats just the effects of school. But anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I decided I shouldn't write anything until I cheered up a bit.

Also, should I add smut?

Art belongs to @mochii_lisa

1122 Words

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