It Didn't Have to..End? Like This

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Revali's POV

Is this really happening? Why does this have to happen now? My thoughts raced through my head as I flew to Vah Medoh. Ganon is really here. Is all I could think about as I entered the Divine Beast.

I rushed to the center of the Divine Beast, where the control unit was. Only to be greeted with a large, malice covered monster. Panicked, I grabbed my bow from my back and flew up, shooting as many arrows as possible.

It wasn't long before I lost focus and was immediately shot out of the air and back onto the Divine Beast. Fear filled my body as the monster got closer. This is it, I'm gonna die..! I closed my eyes, preparing for the worst. Goodbye, Link. Destroy Ganon. I thought as I felt something pierce through my body, then nothing.

Link's POV

Zelda kept dragging me. Immediately stopping once we got to Hyrule field. "No.." Zeldas voice was shaky as she fell to the floor. Guardians raided the towns and villages, destroying everything. Lon Lon Ranch, Castle Town, the Coliseum, even Hyrule Castle was destroyed.

Suddenly, there were multiple deafening roars. I looked up to see that the four Divine Beasts had turn red, and are causing a ruckus. Wait..The champions...! My mind quickly went into panic mode when I realized that the champions I once knew where gone. Revali...

I could tell Zelda was in no mental state to fight, but I knew we had to. Trying to prevent myself from breaking down, I grabbed zeldas wrist and dragged her. We WILL defeat Ganon! I thought. We were in a forest when Zelda slipped away. I quickly ran back to her. This is no time to stop! I thought. But Zelda was the only living friend I had left. I can't just leave her.

I let her cry in my arms. I felt her pain. "So I really am just a failure!" Zelda vented. Her words struck me. I wanted to tell her she isn't a failure. I wanted to help her. I wanted to scream. But I couldn't. I pulled her into a tighter hug.

We can't fight Ganon, not now. I quickly stood up and started running the opposite direction. Impa. We must go to Impa. I thought as I dragged Zelda behind me. She was still in tears. We made it to a swamp infested with guardians. Running is no use, they would just catch up.

I sighed and pulled out my sword. I knew I wouldn't be able to kill all these guardians, but protecting Zelda is my main priority. I must keep her safe, no matter what.

Guardian after guardian, I swung my sword. Demolishing multiple, taking my anger out on them until I could barely stand. There's too many. I thought as I stumbled. A guardian aimed a laser at me. "Link! Please! Save yourself!" Zelda begged, but I stood my ground.

I felt myself being shoved to the ground as the guardian fired its laser. A sudden burst of light consumed the area, killing the rest of the guardians. I smiled. She finally did it.. She unlocked the sacred power. I was so proud, but I couldn't take it. I fell to the floor. I was weak.

"Link!" I heard Zelda shout my name as she rested my head on her lap. "No! Link" Everything started getting hazy. I put my weak hand on her shoulder, trying to tell her it will be okay. Zeldas sobs became faint as I slowly drifted off into an endless sleep...Or so I thought.

Hey everyone, extremely short chapter. Sorry about that. This chapter is basically just a recap of Links memories from the game. I didn't see many authors put what really happened in these kind of stories, and I just wanted to make the story more thrilling yknow? Anyway, have a nice day :)

(P.S. This is not the end of the story)

Art belongs to @Linkdicc on Twitter

668 Words

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