The Unknown And Unwanted Message

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Link's POV
In his dream...

I was surrounded by extremely shallow water. Everything was dark and foggy, and I could only see a few feet ahead of me. There was nothing, and I was alone

Suddenly, I heard an evil laugh. I frantically looked around while going to draw my sword, only to realize it wasn't there.

"You really think you've defeated me, boy?" I saw a large figure emerge from the shadows. He looked like the old Gerudo Chief...Ganon!

I got in a defensive position, getting ready to throw hands. He chuckled once more, and with a snap of his fingers, Zelda appeared with Ganon's hand wrapped tightly around her neck.

"Link! Help me!" Zelda cried. Ganon started to disappear into the shadows with zelda, I tried to chase after but all of the sudden I was chained to something. I looked behind me to see a chain that seemed to go on for eternity.

"You really think you could save her?" Revali's voice teased, but I couldn't see him anywhere. "You're useless, your only purpose to live is so you can save Zelda!"

"You don't deserve to live!"

"Nobody really cares about you!"

"What a freak!"

End of dream...

I woke up, gasping for air. I was drenched in sweat. "Link, are you okay? You looked like you were having a nightmare." Revali put his wing against my forehead. I snapped out of my trance and looked at him.

"Ill go get you some water..." Revali stood up and rushed out of the room. I sighed and looked around. Everyone is still here..It was just a dream..I reassured myself.

Revali then barged into the room with a cup of water in his hand. "Here, drink it." He said as he gave me the water. I chugged the water, my throat hurt like hell. I put the cup down when I was finished.

I could tell Revali wanted to know what happened in my nightmare. I sighed and pulled out a pen and notebook. I quickly started writing.

I finished writing and gave the notebook to revali. I was alone. It was dark and foggy. Ganon was there, he took Zelda. I tried to stop him but I was chained up, then I started hearing voices telling me I was useless. I watched as Revali read the note. He sighed and put the notebook on the floor.

"Link. Ganon won't come back for a very long time. Plus, you aren't worthless. You saved all of Hyrule from a giant malice-covered demon for fucks sake!" He whisper shouted, not in a bad way.

I smiled, but quickly looked back down at my lap. I heard Revali sigh once again. I looked back up at him to see him crawling into my bed. My face instantly turned bright red.

"Lie down." He demanded, pointing to his chest. Hesitantly, I rested my head on his chest. He was warm. I felt his wing wrap around me, and he started singing:

Bear up my

Ancient lullaby
May sweet dreams find your head tonight

Close your eyes

'Neath the velvet sky
'Till we meet again

In sorrow hope takes flight

Darkness brings candlelight
Think of me when I'm out of sight

Ease your soul of endless path
Cradled safe and sound on Earth

One star gleams
Whispers on the breeze
"Dream your fears away"

Sleep, twinkle of my eye
Hold close this lullaby
Know that I'm always by your side.

His voice was smooth and calming. I felt my eyes grow heavy, like weights. Soon, I was fast asleep.

Revali's POV

I watched as Link fell asleep to my voice. I usually don't sing to other people, but Link is an exception.

I studied him. He's adorable. How did I manage to meet such a beauty? I quietly chuckled to myself. I smiled as I stroked his hair.

Soon, I started to think. What if his nightmare is a message? What if these nightmares continue? My smile faded as I thought. I stared up at the ceiling. What if Ganon really does come back? The thought of that sent shivers down my spine.

I realized it was getting late, and I should go to sleep myself. I pushed all my thoughts away and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

Hey everyoneee! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's short, but wattpad literally kicked me out of the app RIGHT WHEN I FINISHED WRITING and didn't save my progress so I was jus kinda like "fuck it" and wrote it a bit short. BUT I PROMISE ILL MAKE THE CHAPTER EXTRA LONG TOMORROW!

(Also, I may or may not be foreshadowing a future event)

Art belongs to @blight_eyed on Twitter!

791 Words

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