If Only...

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Link's POV

A month later, my nightmares had only gotten worse. Infact, I started seeing things. Everyone was unaware of this, and I wanted to keep it that way. Until one day..

I was in a large patch of flowers, picking the most beautiful ones for Revali. When suddenly, I felt a strong, large hand on my shoulder. I turned around and nobody was there.

I was a bit confused, but decided to shrug it off. "Link..~" A familiar voice teased. Ganon?! I suddenly remembered. It is April 9th. I stood up and drew my sword, getting in a battle stance.

I heard a chuckle from behind a tree, then a man stepped out from behind it. I was correct, it is Ganon. "Oh, Link. You really didn't expect this." He smirked as he got closer.

He stopped once he was about a foot away from me. His grin grew wider. I knew he was up to something, I just knew.

He snapped his fingers, and all of the sudden moblins, bokoblins, lizalfos, lynels, you name it started charging at the castle, a few stayed behind to corner me.

Fear and panic rose when I realized they were going to destroy everything. My friends, my home, Revali..

I clenched my sword tighter and started slashing at Ganon and the other monsters, but they dodged in time. I was able to kill a few monsters but there were too many Lynels surrounding me.

I swung at one of the Lynels, slicing its neck. I roared from the pain, but just as I was about to land, I was hit in the side of the head by a Lynel Crusher.

I fell to the floor. Everything was blurry and my head hurt like hell. Damn, Lynels are strong.. I got back on my feet and started fighting again.

Blood, sweat, and a few tears stained my tunic after a while. I was barely standing. "LINK!!" I heard a familiar voice call from above. I looked up to see an injured Revali. His face was bloody, and he had a stab wound on his leg.

No... Get out of here..! I wanted to scream but I couldn't. "Ge——t o......u-t o-" I fell to the floor, coughing up blood. I watched as Revali tried to attack, but was almost immediately shot in the torso.

I watched as he plummeted from the sky. No...NO!.. Not again! A tear rolled down my cheek, and then I blacked out.

Time skip

I woke up in a cold, musty, leaky room. My shaky breaths echoed. It was quiet, too quiet. I then remembered everything. I shot up and looked around. I was in some sort of dungeon. Am I in the castle? I thought.

I then remembered Revali. How he got shot down. Fear and worry took over me. Is he okay?! I need to know! I started slamming into the metal bars.

After a while, I gave up. I balled myself up in the corner and tried my hardest not to cry, but ended up sobbing as if I was a newborn again.

I then heard heavy footsteps echo throughout the room, then they came to a stop infront of my cell. "Ah, you are awake." I looked up to see Ganon with his evil grin on his face. God, I just wanted to stab him until my arms fell off.

He opened the cell door and approached me. He crouched down so he was eye level with me. He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. "First things first, your friends." My eyes lit up at that statement. They're okay?!

If Only... (Revalink/Revali x Link)Where stories live. Discover now