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Revali's POV
In his dream...

I was in a dark room, alone and quiet. "Hello?" My voice echoed. I heard footsteps approaching behind me. I turned around to see a large, tall man. His eyes were full of hatred and evil.

"Who are you?!" I asked defensively. The man bent down so we were face to face. "I am the one who your little boyfriend was telling you about." He smirked. My eyes widened. "Why are you doing this?!"

The man stood up straight again. "I'm doing this so your little hero knows what he's about to go through." He answered. Before I could say anything, he spoke again. "April 9, 1756." He then faded away.

I shot up, my eyes wide and my heart beat quickly. Were those the kind of dreams Link has been having? What did he mean by April 9, 1756? I thought. I got up and got ready.

Once I was ready, I started pacing around my room. What he'd do to Link? April 9? Who is he? I then heard groaning coming from the hammock.

I shook my thoughts away. "Goodmorning, Link." He smiled at me with tired eyes before getting up. "Link, we need to talk." My voice was serious. He looked at me curiously.

"Link, I had a dream. Similar to what you've been having." He sat down to listen. "It was the same guy, and he said he was going to do something to you. He then said something about April 9th."

His eyes widened. "Link, I don't think these are just nightmares. They are messages." He looked down, like he was deep in thought. "We should tell Zelda, I'll meet you in the dining hall." I left, shutting the door behind me.

Link's POV

My head hung low. This was a lot to process. What is gonna happen on April 9th? That's just one month away. And what is he gonna do to me? The thought made me shiver. I decided to stop thinking about it and get ready.

Once I was ready, I left and started walking toward the dining hall. Once I entered, I saw everyone sitting and chatting. I sat next to Revali, like usual.

"There is something important we must discuss." Revali interrupted. Everyone turned their attention to Revali, the room going dead silent.

"You know those dreams Link has been havinf recently?" Everyone nodded. "I had a dream similar to his. It was the same man, same place, etc. He said he would do something to Link, and something would happen on April 9th."

Everyone looked shocked. "April 9th? But that's just a month away!" Mipha said, panicked. "WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN TO LITTLE GUY?!" Daruk shouted. "Calm down everyone. I'm sure we can figure this out. We just have to prepare for whatever is coming." Zelda reassured, but I don't think it worked.

"Zelda is right. Whatever is coming, I'm sure we can hold it off." Urbosa said. "We should discuss this later, when we are done eating." Zelda nodded and continued to pick at her plate. Although, she still looked disturbed.

"Well, to cheer up the mood. Revali, when are you and Link going to start dating?" Urbosa commented. I saw Revali's face flush up. "WE AREN'T DATING!" He defended. I giggled.

"Oh yeah? Then why were you two having a smoochin time up on the Great Plateau?" Urbosa continued to calmly pick at her plate. "YOU GUYS KISSED?!" Zelda spat out her drink, laughing.

"NO! WE DIDN'T! I-I WOULD NEVER!" Revali denied. My face was completely red. "Oh yeah? Then what's this?" Urbosa grabbed the Sheikah Slate from Zeldas waist and went to the gallery, showing a picture of us kissing.

"W-WHAT! HOW DID YOU GET THAT!" Revali was clearly blushing. "Zelda let me borrow the Sheikah Slate so I could take some pictures." Everyone started laughing.

"Wow, Revali. I never knew you could pull such a quiet guy." Mipha joked. Revali's face turned redder. At this point, I couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or anger. Either way, it was cute.

"YOU GUYS ARE SO- UGH!" Revali grabbed his plate and stormed out of the room. We all started laughing.

"So, Link. Do you have anything to say in this situation?" Zelda turned to me. My face flushed up. "Jeez, you could have done so much better. I'm disappointed." Urbosa dramatically sighed.

A while later we finished eating. I decided to go check up on Revali, since he was in his room still. I went up to his room and knocked. No answer. I knocked some more, but there was still no answer.

I sighed and decided to bust into his room. My entire body heated up when I burst in and he was completely naked and wet from a shower. "G-GET THE HELL OUT!" Revali covered himself up. I slammed the door shut.

Holy shit! I sat at the door. My eyes wide and my face completely red. I heard the door open behind me. I turned around and saw Revali with his head down. "What do you want.." He sounded embarrassed.

I noticed the notebook wasn't anywhere to be seen, so my only option was to try and speak. I sighed. "D-i...dn'-....t m,e...a-n ..t-o." I croaked out, my throat immediately went sore.

He sighed. "Maybe, don't burst into someones room when the don't answer. But whatever, I can't stay mad at you forever." He signaled for me to come in.

I sat down on the chair in the corner of his room. "Here, drink this." He gave me a cup of water. "I know your throat is sore after speaking." I smiled at him and accepted the cup, immediately chugging it.

"So, uhm, Link." He sat down beside me. "I was thinking about the other day and uhm...I was wondering if you did want to be my boyfriend.." He looked away, seeming embarrassed. My face lit up.

I tapped his shoulder so he would look at me again. Once he did, I jumped on him and hugged him. "Is that a yes..?" He was surprised. I nodded, kissing his cheek. He smiled and hugged back.

"Well then, I love you."

HEEEYYYYY hope you enjoyed the chapter. Decided to add a lil bit of spice lol

Art belongs to @downthemoss on Twitter!

1063 Words

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