The city was booming, since thousands of people around the world came to celebrate new years in Vegas.
"Remember y'all. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas! And Mina, I promise I ain't drinking shit! I'm just going to the strip because Denise is going!" Jack declared as he picked out his hair.
Mina sighed in response and proceeded to prepare coffee for the gentlemen, while Kai emerged from his room dressed in a sophisticated suit.
With a confident smile, Kai showcased his New Year's attire, while Jack hollered, and Mina appeared annoyed.
"So, what do you think, Mina? Do I look good?" Kai asked with a smirk.
Mina, clearly displeased, shook her head.
"No! You told me we'd go on a date tonight! Plus, I don't want to be there during the drop! There is too much alcohol and kissing! You're not going downtown tonight. You're staying with me."
"Come on Meens! Your husband needs to let loose for once! There is always time for a date, but not the new years festival. I promise I'll make Kai take you to a fancy restaurant soon. Just let him go! I need a buddy!" Jack exclaimed.
Mina shook her head once more, making Jack groan in annoyance.
Oh yeah. I forgot about the date. How about you come to the festival with us, and we'll make it into a date? It'll be fun!" Kai said smiling.
"Of course you forgot. You always do. I'm the one who always plans the dates, gets in the kitchen every single day, even when I'm sick and I comfort you, when you're feeling sad! It's annoying Kai! I'm putting so much effort into us, and you don't even care! Go have fun with Jack. I'll stay home, and wait for you like always." Mina angrily sneered.
Jack gasped as he witnessed Mina's rare display of frustration and watched her storm off into the room.
Kai let out a sigh, feeling a hint of remorse. Jack spoke up, "Actually, forget about the festival. Spend time with Mina. That's more important."
Kai contemplated for a moment before responding.
"No. We're still coming. There's something wrong with Mina. Ever since she came back that night, the day of the Christmas party, Mina has been a little off. I can't put my finger on it, but I'm sure something happened. Just head out. We'll meet you there. See you later."
Jack nodded, understanding the situation, and departed, while Kai knocked on the door, addressing Mina.
"Come on, Mina. Open the door. I know I've been a shitty husband. Can we talk, please, Mina?"
Mina angrily opened the door, and Kai, with a smile, took a seat and began speaking.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for neglecting you, okay? But in my defense, you've been pretty distant. Whenever I want to talk to you about that night, you never answer! How is it my fault? Every single time I've tried to have a conversation with you, you've always been silent. Yes, I'm not the most romantic, but I'm not a damn moron.
Your way of showing affection, is physically, and personally, I'm not comfortable with it, but it doesn't mean I don't like you if I reject it!
My way of showing affection, is by speaking, and having meaningful conversations! At least I'm making an effort to try and speak with you! Have you been cheating? Is that why you haven't spoken about that night?"
Mina scoffed and responded angrily.
"Cheating? CHEATING? How could you think so low of me? You have no idea what happened to me, and even if you did, you wouldn't care! I don't ask about why you're applying for a visa for your cousin! I know what you've been doing Kai. I'm not stupid."

RomanceThe lights were booming, the city was alive, and the nights were passionate in good old Las Vegas Nevada! Sin city they called it, where men and women across the globe came to indulge in a fiery exciting night, making memories that would last forev...