"Dinner time Jacey!" Gabriella shouted through the halls of the De Luca home.
Almost immediately, Jace jumped from Salvatore's lap and ran over to his mom, while Salvatore looked confused, wondering if Gabriella was the one who made dinner.
The table was set and the meals were piping hot, ready to be devoured.
Everyone in the home confusedly made their way to the table, eyeing Gabriella with suspicion.
"Okay everyone! Sit down! I have something to say!" Gabriella said smiling.
Everyone took a seat, including Salvatore who took a sip of his soup and gasped, wondering why it tasted so good especially if Gabriella made it.
Lucia sat next to Emiliano and Jace, while Richie and Aurora, sat on the other side.
Both Salvatore and his best friend, brother in law and most trusted partner, Angelo sat on the ends of the table, waiting for Gabriella to speak.
"So everyone, I have some great news! Can anyone guess what it is?" Gabriella said smiling.
Salvatore's mouth dropped in realization.
"You're pregnant bambina?" Salvatore said in disbelief.
Richie's eyes widened in shock as he was not informed beforehand, while Jace happily clapped in his seat.
Gabriella scoffed and shook her head multiple times, making Salvatore groan in disappointment.
"Ugh, obviously not daddy! Do you know how fat it makes you? Don't expect a baby from me any time soon! But anyways, the good news is.... I GOT A LETTER OF MY MOM'S INHERITANCE SHE LEFT FOR ME!" Gabriella shouted happily.
Salvatore gasped from the news, while Angelo stared at Gabriella confusedly, wondering where she got the letter from.
Lucille was murdered almost fourteen years before, so there was no way Gabriella could've inherited all her wealth now.
"What do you mean Gabriella? Show me the letter! Fast! It could be a trap for all we know!" Angelo said worriedly.
Gabriella nodded, and pulled the letter out from her bra, making Emiliano groan in annoyance, while Gabriella handed it to Angelo.
Both Angelo and Salvatore read over it thoroughly, realizing it was actually legit.
"So? Do I get my money or not?" Gabriella asked curiously.
Salvatore tensed, but nodded making Gabriella squeal in excitement.
"Yeah. But it's not from your mother. The only reason you get the inheritance is because your sisters are no where to be found. When Lucille passed, your sisters were too young to inherit most of her things, but you were already an adult.
Someone found Lucille's information for you and allowed you to tap into her expenses. Do not use any of the money. We have to find out who did this for you first." Salvatore said sternly.
Gabriella angrily pouted, while Leonardo carefully walked in the door hoping Salvatore wouldn't see him.
Jace noticed Gabriella's disappointed face, before walking over to his mom and hugging her tight, seeing Leonardo sneakily walking into his room.
Leonardo face palmed as Jace shouted, while Gabriella dragged him over, making Salvatore eye his son with suspicion.
"Leo! You have no idea what happened! I got my mom's inheritance, but daddy won't let me use it! It's not fair!" Gabriella said angrily.
"But isn't your mom dead? Papa killed her. Don't you remember?" Leonardo said confusedly.

RomanceThe lights were booming, the city was alive, and the nights were passionate in good old Las Vegas Nevada! Sin city they called it, where men and women across the globe came to indulge in a fiery exciting night, making memories that would last forev...