The air was silent, though there was nothing but a small beeping noise, going up and down, every time she took a breath.
She took a deep breath, and for the first time that night, opened her eyes, seeing nothing but darkness.
She tried getting up, but groaned every time she moved even a bit, due to a stabbing sensation in her abdomen.
"Amina? Are you awake?" A voice said from beside her.
Mina's body got chills upon hearing the voice beside her.
There was only one person that it could be.
The same person who did not want anything to do with her.
"Mama is that you?" Mina quivered.
The lights turned on almost immediately, revealing Mariam, and Yusuf, making Mina gasp in shock.
When Mina gasped, her body went into panic, due to the shock.
The beeping began getting even louder, as her heart rate went up, worrying her parents greatly.
"AMINA! Calm down mama. Please." Yusuf said gently.
Mina began taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, and took a good look at where she was.
At first glance, Mina didn't remember where she was, or how she got there until she saw a shoe.
It was the same shoe she wore that day to the Valentina Hotel, when she delivered the escape plan to Leonardo.
"I got shot." Mina exclaimed in disbelief.
Mariam and Yusuf nodded, while Mina gently touched her wound and winched.
"You see Amina? This is what happens when you choose to do dangerous work! You're moving back in with us. I don't care what your husband has to say!" Mariam angrily remarked.
Mina sighed, realizing her parents were back to their old ways, before her mom spoke again.
"Do you know you almost got hit in your uterus Amina? One wrong move, and you could've lost your chance at having kids. I'll accept the police work and you getting shot, but you having no kids will make me break our ties together forever. You hear me? It's been three years Amina. YOU HAVE NO CHILDREN YET!"
Mina's body tensed upon hearing her mother's words.
Yusuf grabbed Mariam's hand, scolding her for being so insensitive.
While Mina knew her mom was just angry, though her eyes teared up at the mention of almost losing her chance at having children.
In Mina's culture, getting married and having several children was seen as an accomplishment for women.
For the longest time, all Mina wanted was to achieve that goal, and while it did seem not feminist at all, she still believed that having children was the greatest accomplishment for a woman.
Mina knew her culture was extremely different from the American culture, but she loved it so, even if it couldn't hold someone as different as her.
"I know mama. I know. But it was an accident. I'm sorry." Mina tearfully sighed.
Mariam sighed, feeling regretful for provoking her daughter, while Yusuf attempted to comfort Mina with a hug.
Suppressing the urge to sob, Mina refrained from displaying her emotions, knowing her parents would disapprove even more.
Shakily, she asked, "Where's my husband?"
Yusuf sighed sadly, and Mariam shook her head in annoyance. "He's not here yet, Amina. We don't know where he went, but we haven't seen him for hours," Yusuf explained.

RomanceThe lights were booming, the city was alive, and the nights were passionate in good old Las Vegas Nevada! Sin city they called it, where men and women across the globe came to indulge in a fiery exciting night, making memories that would last forev...