Two days.
It had only been two days since Mina was without Leonardo and her mind was already going crazy.
"UGH! He's not picking up! You know, I told him I'd fly to Sicily if he didn't pick up within two seconds! God, that man gets on my nerves sometimes!" Mina said pulling her hair.
Gabriella slapped Mina's hand away in annoyance as she curled Mina's hair.
"Calm down Mina! My Richie baby went to Sicily too ya know! I cried the entire night because I had no one to cuddle with!" Gabriella said tearing up.
Mina sighed in exhaustion and slammed the telephone back on the stand before staring at herself in the mirror.
After everything that went down, Mina didn't take care of herself one bit!
But now?
Now Mina was a bride to be!
Of course she had to pamper and beautify herself before her wedding day!
As Mina stared into the mirror, she smiled. She smiled happily, angrily, and even sweetly just to get Gabriella's opinion.
"Yes, no, and no. Your "sweet" smile looks like mine when I try to shave Richie's stache in his sleep! I like the first one! But just stop worrying Mina! Leo would marry you even if you had one eye!" Gabriella exclaimed.
Mina's smile dropped in disgust as Gabriella spoke.
The thought of one eye made Mina shudder in disgust.
(If ya know, ya know ;)
"But still Gabi! I wanna look my best for Leonardo! He's so effortlessly handsome without even trying! I need to try and wow him on our wedding night, then he'll see that marrying me wasn't a mistake!" Mina said sighing.
Gabriella snorted as she ran her fingers through a bouncy curl in Mina's hair.
"I don't think you need your looks to "wow" Leo on your wedding night. I think you need somethin else if ya know what I mean!" Gabriella said smirking.
Mina's face flushed at Gabriella's statement.
While it was awkward to speak about the deed with your future sister in law, Mina was incredibly comfortable with Gabriella.
Mina said before the telephone beside her began to ring.
Almost immediately, Mina screamed happily and jumped around before clearing her throat, pretending she just didn't freak out like a teenage girl.
"Hello?" Mina said biting her lip.
"Hey. I'm looking for the most beautiful, amazing woman in the world. Can you get her on the phone please?" Leonardo said playfully.
Mina blushed and fanned herself.
She just loved when Leonardo called her beautiful!
Though before Mina could reply, Gabriella hurriedly grabbed the phone and spoke.
"Yes? She's right here."
Leonardo scoffed in annoyance as he heard Gabriella's voice.
Every single time Leonardo got to speak to Mina, Gabriella would always be there!
"Haha, very funny sorella. Now can you please put Amina on the phone?" Leonardo said pleadingly.
"Oh shut up Leo! The moment you get a woman she becomes your main priority and you don't even pay attention to me! Kiss my ass baby brother, cuz you're not getting any of my love when you get back!"

Roman d'amourThe lights were booming, the city was alive, and the nights were passionate in good old Las Vegas Nevada! Sin city they called it, where men and women across the globe came to indulge in a fiery exciting night, making memories that would last forev...