Romania x Hungary

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Some people hate this ship and some love this ship. I don't care, but why not to write it. It's one enemy fucking the other from anger. 




Pov: Hungary

"Fuck    Fuck   Fuck" I yelled. I tripped over a branch while running in the forest. I quickly look over my shoulder. "Shit" He's starting to catch up to me. He certainly heard me, because the already big smirked got even bigger. He knew that my fate is only a matter of time. "Should I give up" I ask myself this question over and over in my head. 

Before I could decide my legs decided for me and gave out. 

I fall flat on my face it was a shock but I quickly pushed myself up and continued running. The fall made me make my mind, I'm not giving up just yet. I mean, I'm not really sure what or who is chasing me.

I'm kinda assuming it's a man, but you can never know. What am I sure about is that running is the most important thing right now. " A road " I gasped out and speed up. I was almost out of air and began to lose hope. I reached the road but at this point I was too weak to run anymore. My vision started becoming black. I saw someone nearby but since I was barely standing so not really paying attention to anything other than that. The someone chasing me and the someone I saw started to          fight? I sat down holding myself with my hands. I'm just praying that the guy I was on the road will win. If not........ I don't want to know what will happen. 

The fight was a blur but I still try to recognize who are they. The guy from the road brutally beaten up the guy that was chasing me. The air finally returned to my lungs, my vision began to returning. " Romania?! " I watched as my enemy turned to face me " why did you save me? " I half yelled. " Do you really think that I saved you " he said laughing at my facial expression. " W-What do y-you mean by that? " I stuttered out. " I just don't want anyone but me to beat you up " I'm scared out of my mind. " Doesn't seem you like my answer. Do you? " I slowly nod my head, I mean what did he expect. " Should I do something about that or would you change your mind? " he asked me mockingly with a smirk on his face. " I-I would r-rather d-deal with i-it my-myself " he laughed at my stuttered out answer. He came closer only a step away from me " Is that so? ". The dark low voice making my situation worse.

He grabbed me by my neck pulling me up, he was like twice my size so I could see the right in his eyes. My hands followed instinct and grabbed the hand that was holding me up. I was just trying to scratch his hand with my fingers hoping that he will let go. The air in my lungs was long gone, my vision darkening once again.

I didn't have enough energy to try scratch him so I just let go my arms just hanging by my sides. Barely awake my vision completely dark I felt the hand choking me leave my throat. 

I fell back landing hard on the ground. Regaining my vision and breathing I stud up and punched him in the face caching him off guard. He looked at me, blood coming out of his nose. He grabbed my hand, turning it the wrong way slowly. Than " crack " I scream in pain hearing chuckling from my enemy, he let go of my hand still chuckling. I looked at my hand wide eyed. He grabbed my hand again looking at it, than moving it in a quick motion and a " crack " somehow fixing whatever was wrong.

He didn't let go this time but dragged me to his house? More like a cottage or something similar. He slammed the door showing clearly that he was upset no he was angry really angry. Slamming me to the closet wall, and stared at me with a angry look. I tried to punch him, but he grabbed my hand. " Hope you realize that you're in my cabin in the middle of nowhere that no one knows about. "

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