Pakistan x Female reader

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I'm active now, I kind of have to be since the views had been lower and lower lately with my breaks and everything.

Pov: you

I was about to grab my coat when he just had to show up. Out of all the nations that were here, Of course it was Pakistan that had to approach me. That bastard did it in front of UN and no one will convince me that it was intentional.

"Hey, how about we meat up later?"
I tried to smile to put some kind of an act since UN was two meters away from me.
"No sorry not today, maybe at another meeting?"
"Oh of course". He walked away after I said that. I didn't mean it seriously. I'll just talk to America when the next meeting comes up and stay close to him. I don't exactly like America but anything to not be close to Pakistan.

Back story

Pov: Narrator's

There were two children that always played together, is seemed like they never left each other's sides.
The two were inseparable. One always wanted to go into the forest, the other was against it but what wouldn't she do for her best friend?

The forest was a strange place, some say the ones that spend their time there don't come back the same.
That wasn't enough to get people to say away.

The two children instead of playing on the play ground or anything else there was for children to do, they went into that forest.

The little boy guiding the little girl through it as the shy started to get darker and darker as night was getting closer.

That didn't stop the boy that was determined, the girl on the other hand was getting a little nervous when she saw how little light was peaking through the sky and clouds let alone the tree.

The forest was older than the village they lived in so it made sence that such a older forest would be dark especially this late.

As the children went deeper into the forest they began to hear something like footsteps close by. Whatever it was, it was getting closer.

The little boy didn't think twice about it and continued to lead the both of them even deeper.

The little girl began to finally realize how many wrong thing were happening around them. The branches of the trees changed shapes every now and then, there was no animals but what was here were bones. Bones a too big to be from some kind of an animal.

This terrified the little girl, she was now looking around and behind them to see everything that was happening.

She didn't see everything. She didn't see anything that was coming.

When she turned back to her best friend. He wasn't there, he was just gone. That was too much for the girl. She was too dependent and attached to him, too much for her own good.

She desperately looked around, searched every bush she saw, anything that could be a hiding spot.

She was there for days on end, searching for her best friend she so desperately wanted to see again. The sound of his voice playing in her head the whole time, pushing her to keep going, keep looking, giving her the hope that she's get to hear it again this time not in her head.


She searched and searched with no luck.

In the end it was for the greater good that she didn't. Seeing the unimaginable state her best friend would leave a much bigger mental scar on her. Her best friend if it' could be called that anymore, it was just a pile of flesh and a bunch of bones that were ripped to shreds.

There was nothing left to indicate that it was her best friend now.

The police found the girls after several days and took her home. She was okay or seemed like it.

They eventually found the "little boy" or what was left of him at least.

As much as no one wanted to tell the little girl the question were getting insufferable. When the little girl learned what happened to her best friend she broke. She couldn't believe it. Why him!? Why!? She couldn't...


A few years passed since then and the no longer little girl wanted to go that forest again.

She did and she succeed in finding what she wanted to.

The dark figure in the trees.

(If it made any of you cry it was my intention to do so since is supposed to be angst)

End of Back story.
Back to current time

Pov: narrator's

You were that little girl and that "thing" that did unimaginable things to your best friend was Pakistan's father.

Remembering that memory caused you to vividly pictured how your best friend's last moments probably looked like. The things he must have went through.

Pakistan knew, he knew and yet he never said a word about it.

UN left when he decided that everything is fine. Pakistan had a weird gut feeling and went back to where you're standing. It took one glance at you to know what was happening.

He didn't know how to react or what to do. Pakistan acted on the first thought that went through him mind.

He quickly closed the space between the two of you and hugged you. Pakistan excepted to get slapped but nothing came, you were just trying to calm down and for some damn reason his presence helped.

That made all rivalry because of Pakistan's father's actions disappear.

The hatred for Pakistan turned to something much more present.

That meeting and the next one ended with a long conversation and several kisses. That continued without really gaining much attention of other nations. Not like that mattered to you or Pakistan.
I'm tired

Words: 978


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