Russian Empire x German Empire

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Pov: Russian Empire 

The Great War was going on for about 4 months now. Everyone thought that it would be 4 weeks. So did I. I had a meeting with Britain and France today in London at 6pm. It will take me hours to get there so now it's 1am and I have to get to a train station and get going or be late. 

I mean Britain already doesn't really like me and being late won't help. I'm pretty sure that he doesn't even want me in London in the first place and seeing how his father raised him being late is probably one of the biggest deals. For me it's making a camel out of a mosquito but it's his country.

I grab my winter coat, put on my boots lock my door behind me and begin the 15 minute walk to the train station. 

On the way there the second worst thing happened it started raining fucking raining. The rain was heavy forming puddles on the ground practically everywhere. It wasn't that bad just really annoying. I always hated rain it stayed that way all my life and never changed and probably never will. "Курва" of course I stepped into a puddle. That's just perfect now my boot is wet and I don't have time to change. No time to think about it. Ah right on time the train just arrived.

Time skip

I'm getting off the train and then I should just wait for Britain to pick me and France up. Or just me because I'm not sure if France is here too. 

" Oh Russian Empire you are here so quickly my goddess did you even get any sleep" oh France is here. " Привет France great to see you are here as well " We hug and talk before we see Britain's car pull up. 

We both get Britain opening the door for France and letting me sit in the back. Then letting me know not to dare to dirty his car with my wet boots. What was I even expecting Britain is Britain.

We all sit down in our chairs and the meeting began. 

"So one of us has to talk to German Empire. What about you?" said Britain and looked at me. "Britain I don't think we need to do this, let's just go talk to him together" I didn't say anything and but it was clear that it will end with me meeting German Empire. " Russian Empire won't speak up would you " I snap my head in Britain's direction. " France, Britain is right I will just meet German Empire". France gave me a worried look " I know you two get along the least out of any of us" and force a smile " it's fine " .

Time skip

I was meeting German Empire in Berlin. 

German Empire picked me up I was stress out and worst thing about it is than he noticed. "Britain didn't gave you a choice did he" he asked "What do you mean". He stopped the car in front of a  mansion like building. He got out walked around the car and opened the car door for me before I could do it myself.I was surprised nobody ever did that.

He smirked down at me and lead me to his home. His living room was the size of my whole house. I looked around his house he grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen. "It's almost 10 and it looks like you didn't eat so sit down I will make you some food". "You don't have to do that really I'm just fine" he turned around to face me "Come on now we both know you are hungry. Stop trying to hide it and sit down" I sat down but something told me I should have refused the food.

But that would be impolite and he is the only person who wasn't treating me like a dog in the past few years. I just nod and wait for him to talk bring me the plate or just do something. "Thought your gonna fight me on this decided to submit for once and here you go" I take the plate and start to eat. 

He sat down as well and he ate his food before me and the whole time he looking at me. After awhile I started feeling dizzy. Then black.


Pretty sure most of you knew what was coming before it even came to the dizziness. Second part some time this or next week


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