Italy x Greece (2)

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I Have time to write again. I'm not sure how often I'll write during summer break but at least once a month.

Pov: Italy

I can't say I feel bad for kidnapping him but his family or at least friends must be worried. I should give him his phone to call them. I wouldn't want any trouble with police. I'll wait for him to wake up and force him to tell everyone that he's okay. He'll probably hate me, nonsense I already kidnapped him and he didn't have any problem with sleeping with me so this should go just fine.

"You awake yet?"

Pov: Greece

"Yeah, I'm awake" something tells me this won't be just a normal conversation I think it's the look in his eyes.
"I need you to call your family, friends and tell them that you're okay. Not a word about me kidnapping you, get it?" "yes" with that he handed me my phone.
As much as I enjoyed our activities last night, I want to see my family again. He stayed in the room wanting to hear the conversation so I called them but spoke greek so he didn't understand. I don't have many friends and no family so I called Cyprus and told her what actually happened.
The Italian was staring at me the whole time clearly not pleased that he couldn't understand.

Cyprus asked if I'm okay or if I need help with getting out of here. I said that I'm fine and I'll see her soon and ended the call.

"What were you two talking about?"
"I said I was fine and will see her soon"
I didn't lie but I didn't say the whole truth that counts. He looked me up and down, when he decided that he believed me he left and brought me breakfast.

Pov: Italy

He better not be lying, I wouldn't be surprised but why would he sleep with me just to try and escape later. Guess I'll find out because I swear I heard worry in that girls voice for at least a second. That definitely had a reason behind it.

Well either way I have paper work to do so I'll just leave him alone for some time.

Pov: Greece

Ah finally I thought he wouldn't give a me a moment alone. I wait a few minutes before I opened a window in the room he left me in and climbing through it.

It wasn't that bad just in the middle of nowhere. I'll need to find some village or anything to identify where I am and call Cyprus to pick me up from there.

It wasn't long until I found a village, called Cyprus to tell her the name so she could pick me up.

When she arrived she apologized for making me go to that club in the first place. I assured her that everything was good. Or at least till that Italian realizes that I'm gone. It's not like he'll find me, right?

Turns out I was wrong. It wasn't until the new year that Cyprus went to the same club with me again. This time not letting her eyes off me. But like everyone she eventually found someone to flirt with and that was fine for awhile until a spotted the Italian again. He noticed me too and we were staring at each other for what felt like eternity before he disappeared into the crowd.

It was calming that I didn't see him but that complicated the fact that he was here and I don't know where. He can jump out at me at any given moment and I wouldn't see him coming. I can just hope that he somehow forgot how I looked like or that he simply doesn't want me anymore.

With my luck that obviously wasn't the case but he didn't jump out of grab me he somehow managed to get behind me and tap my shoulder

"You are here again, eh?" my soul left my body the moment I heard his voice this close to me.
"How about we talk for a bit?" he didn't drag me anywhere yet that's a plus.
"Look, I'm sorry for what I  did. I know an apology is not good enough to fix that but I just wanted to say it. Like I said before you're really my type and I don't want to give up and never see you again. So do you think you could give me a chance and go on a date with me?"

He said so many things at once. How?

"You're right an apology doesn't fix it but you're my type too so I suppose a date wouldn't be so bad"
He looked like he would jump up and down if he could, thanked me and gave me his number.

And we did go on that date. We have been together for six years now.

I was resisting the urge to end it by "and this is how I meet your mother" the whole time while writing this. Heh.

Words: 848


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