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Once we were sure their aircraft was not in sight we went to find our ikrans. The walk back was quiet but surprisingly not tense. Maybe Jake forgot about scolding us or maybe he was waiting to get back to base to not make too much noise.

As we get to the ikrans, Jake pulls Kiri,me and Lo'ak away from the others. I already know where this is gonna go. 

"You were supposed to stay at base! Did I not make myself clear the other day? I said you were grounded, and what do you decide to do? Disobey, yet again!" He tries not to make too much noise but he doesn't whisper either. 

"I'm sorry sir. It won't happen again."

"You're damn right it won't! I'll make sure of it!" He turns to Kiri.

"I thought you were smarter than this! You're supposed to look after your brother and little sister! Not help him in his stupid plan!"

"I'm sorry."

Jake looks at me. I put my head down.

"And you." he points a finger at le face "You're the oldest, you're supposed to stop them. You could've gotten them killed! Did that ever cross your mind? What if any of you had been hurt? You're the eldest of the group I expect you to be more responsible than this!" He hesitates and looks around before continuing, "we'll finish this back at the base."

"Yes sir, sorry sir."

"Come on, move."

I'm definitely in deep shit after this. No way he'll let this slide.

I feel someone touch my arm. I look up to see Neteyam with a worried expression.

"You okay?"

"Don't worry" I try to smile.

He jumps onto his ikran before turning around and holding his hand out for me to take. I take it and hoist myself up. It's not exactly easy when the beast is wet from the rain. To add to that, I'm pretty sure his ikran holds a personal grudge against me. I nearly slip but Neteyam has quick relfexes and he grabs my thigh so I stay in place while I grab on to his shoulders to not fall off.

"Let's go" I hear Jake command behind me before I hear his ikrans wings flap.

Neteyam pats my thigh signalling we're taking off and I nod back.

We take off and follow Jake as he flies out of the forest and towards the base. The ride is silent but in a comfortable way. I know Neteyam isn't mad at me and that's the most important. 

I can hear Kiri sob behind us and i feel a bit bad. Although I'm not close with Spider, he's never done anything bad and I know him and Kiri are close. More like he has a huge crush on her but won't admit it. Let's just hope he doesn't snitch on us to the sky people.

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