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For this chapter I recommend listening to "Into the Water" on Spotify from the avatar album or you can listen to my avatar playlist that has some other songs aswell. My name is Hollyweed on spotify <3.

The sun is already up when I wake up. 

As I open my eyes I realise I'm the only one in our tent, the others have already left. The only thing unusual is that Neytiri didn't wake me up like she usually does.

I get up slowly, my body still sleepy, my eyes barely open. I stretch as the I hear the waves crashing beneath me. The sea is unusually loud. It's strange.

I walk over to the tent opening, the sun hits me forcing me to shield my eyes. Once they adjust to the lighting, I'm finally able to see what's going on. The sight infront of me takes my breath away. 

The sea infront of me filled with gigantic fish-like creatures swimming with the sea clan. Everyone has a smile on their face and seem to be enjoying themselves. I see children running around.

I can't help but admire the scene with awe. I've never seen anything like this in my whole life. I thought the sea couldn't be more full of life and I was so wrong. 

I slowly make my way towars the water, still cautious of the unknown creatures. No one pays attention to me, everyone's focus being on the big fish.

I spot Tsireya with one of them, they seem to be using hand signs to communicate. Not far behind her I see Lo'ak, also captivated by the scene and observing everything. I've never seen him so concentrated. 

I don't dare to get in the water for fear of the disrupting the harmony so I just sit down to observe everything from a closer point of view.

After a while of observing I realise it's safe to go in since I'm quite far away from the creatures. I dip my feet into the sea, the water being exceptionally cold after staying in the warm sun for so long. I slowly slide my body into the water, trying to be as delicate as possible. I'm not taking any risks. The cold instantely wakes me up as my body slightly shivers. I blink a couple of times to adjust my eyesight and nearly open my mouth from the shock. 

The sight from under the water even more astounding than from above. I can now see everything more clearly. It's nerve racking to be so close to such huge animals. It makes me realise how small I really am. But I don't swim back up. On the contrary, the sight from here makes me wonder what it would be like to swim alongside one of those animals. I can only imagine the thrill.

I'm so enthralled by the view I nearly gasp when I feel a hand on my shoulder. 

It's Aonung.

I'm half expecting him to drown me and blame it on the big fish but he just motions with his hand for me to follow him. I hesitate. This could be him getting back at me for punching his friend. As if reading my mind, he signs to me "I can show you the tulkuns from up close"

I only understand half his sentence but I don't need to anyway as he points to one of the creatures not far away from us. It's strangely getting bigger. It's really growing. Damn-

My eyes widen.

It's swimming towards us. My hand instinctively goes towards my thigh for my knife but I realise I left all my weapons in the tent. 

Is this how Aonung is planning to kill me? It's pretty smart to blame it on the animal I'll give him that.  He sense my distress but only smiles. " It's not going ot eat you. Tulkuns don't kill." 

I'm guessing those creatures are Tulkuns. I don't believe him anyway so I get behind him. If I die he dies with me. He simply turns his head to gives me a "are you serious?" look before swimming towards the Tulkun. 

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