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We were all sitting in a circle on the rocks. It was about midday and the sun was bright.

"Breathe in" Tsireya says as she demonstrates "breathe out. Imagine flickering a flame"

She goes to help Lo'ak putting her hand over his stomach "breathe in and breathe out" she looks up at him. "Lo'ak your heart beat is fast"

I try to stiffle my laugh by looking away consequently making my eyes land on Neteyam. He also seems to be smiling because of the interaction. Aonung looks at us also silently laughing while Kiri simply rolls her eyes annoyed at her little brother.


We spend the rest of the day swimming with our ilus. We even manage to not argue with Aonung or his friends. 

Neteyam approaches me 

"I need help with riding my ilu"

I frown "I thought I saw you riding it?"

He scratches his head "Yeah but I'm not that confident" he says smiling.

"Uh sure" I say as I get closer to him "Just put your hand around the collar like this" I demonstrate.

"Like this?" he's still smiling.

"Focus. Like this" I take his hand in mine and show him. This time he does it right. When I look up I see he's still staring at me. I quickly look away. "Uhh and now you just think of swimming slowly I guess" I don't dare look at him.

"Can you come with me. I'm scared" 

I look up to see him still smiling. I frown slightly but agree. He holds out his hand for me take and I grab onto his forearm as I hoist myself up behind him. He grabs onto my thigh as the ilu dives into the cold water. I put my arms around his chest to not fall off. 

It's in that moment I actually realise how toned Neteyams body is. He has a slim stomach with slight abs. I try not to make it obvious as I hug his body. If anyone asks I can say it was to not fall off. 

We're swimming peacefully until Neteyam decides to show off. Without thinking to let me know we start spinning in circles. If it weren't for his firm hold on my thigh I might have fallen off. I take this opportunity to tighten my hold on him. 

Gotta make the most out of every situation you know.

We finally get to the surface. He starts laughing as soon as he catches his breath. 

"I hate you. I could have fallen off"

"But you didn't"

I'm still holding onto his body hoping he doesn't notice. He's so warm and his skin is smooth because of the water. I can feel his ribcage move everytime he breathes. It's so relaxing.

"You're still holding onto me" I can just hear his smirk.


"Well you're still holding my thigh" My turn to smirk.

We both let go at the same time.

This is awkward


By night time we're still exploring. 

The seas is even more beautiful at night with all it's colours. 

We dive down and Tsireya show us butterfly looking sea creatures.

"For breathing underwater" she signs to us with her hands before giving on to Kiri. She puts it on her back making sure it sticks to her shoulders. It starts glowing a beautiful shade of orange. So cool.

I take one and nudge Tuk. She swims over to me and I make her turn around before carefully wrapping the sea creature to her back. She turns around giving me a big toothy grin and a thumbs up. I smile back.

I feel something soft touch my shoulders. I look back to see Neteyam wrapping the creature around me. He gives me a small smile and I smile back. 

I suddenly feel like I have enough air without breathing. The amount of oxygen in my lungs never ending. It's really freaky, in a good way.

Neteyam swims past me towards Tuk and the others and I follow. I see Tuk pick a shell from under a coral reef. When she sees me she swims towars me. 

"For you" I see her hand sign beofre giving it to me.

"Thank you. It's pretty" I sign back and give her a wide smile. 

Fare off I see Lo'ak do the same thing before giving it to Tsireya. Poor girl probably has hundreds of those from other boys already. I see Lo'ak blush and I try not to laugh at his awkwardnessBefore I can swim away someone grabs my hand turning me around.

"Let's tease him" 

I nod eagerly. We swim towards thel without making it suspicious. Neteyam grabs a sea shell and makes sure Lo'ak is looking before imitating. He pretends to blush like a little kid before giving me the sea shell. I put my hand over my moth to try and hide my smile. 

We look over to Lo'ak who tries to stop Tsireya from seeing us act like him. When she does leave he gives us the finger before following her. 

I make eye contact with Neteyam as we both start smiling stupidly as we high-five each other.

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