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We spent the rest of the days exploring on our ilus. Tsirey told us we would practice our  breathing tommorrow. 

After dinner I told everyone I was going to go for a small walk to think. We had spent a nice day but I missed the forest. I missed running from tree to tree and flying my ikran between the floating islands. The sea was so much more different I didn't think it would be possible to adapt, at least not to the sea peoples level.

I decided to sit down on one of the big tree roots above the water. I dipped my feet into the sea moving them in circles. Just like the forest, the sea was colourful at night thanks to all the differenet colourful plants and creatures. It was beautiful. 

The sound of my feet creating ripples in the water was peaceful. I was completely zoned out so when Neteyam sat down next to me it nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Woah, it's just me" he puts his hands in the air.

"I didn't hear you"

"That's a first"

I don't answer simply looking back down at the fish surrounding my feet. I can feel his stare on the side of my face. 

"A thought for a thought?" he breaks the silence.

A thought for a thought is a thing I taught him. I used to do it with my mom before she died. Whenever we would be alone she would do that. She would teel me what she was thinking about and I would do the same. 

The first time I did it after my mom died was with Neteyam. I saw him sitting by himself one day and since then it's become our thing. 


"Ladies first"

"Oh now you wanna be a gentleman?" 

"What do you mean? I'm always a gentleman" 

"Shut up and let me talk" I lightly slap his arm.

"Ow!" he grabs his arm acting in pain.

"I barely hit you! You're such baby" 

"I think I'm bleeding! How could you do this to me?" He starts laughing and I join in.

"Fine you start!"

"You sure?"

"Just start skxawng"

"Okay so" he says ignoring my comment "I'm thinking about how I was worried when you left alone so I decided to check up on you and be nice but instead you nearly cut my arm off."

"Nevermind my turn. I'm thinking about how you're a skxawng and you're scaring the fish away with your stinky feet" I giggle.

He shoves me away laughing.

We sit in comfortable silence listening to the water.

"I'm thinking something is troubling you and I want to know what" he breaks the silence. He's makes eye contact with me waiting for my answer but I look away. He puts his hand on my shoulder giving it a small squeeze. "I'm here for you Rei. You can tell me."

"I just miss home" I whisper still not looking at him.

He takes my hand in both of his making me look at him. 

"Home isn't always a place. As long as we're together we can make it through"

I nod slightly. He squeezes my hand once again beofre letting go.

"What if the sky people find us again? Where will we go then?"

"Don't think about it now. They have no was of knowing we're here so don't worry. Just think about the present for now."

I want to believe him but it's not easy. It's been a year since the sky people had arrived. A year of hell and hiding in fear. So many deaths. It wasn't easy on us children. Especially me and Neteyam since we were the oldest. 

"Thank you Tey"

"Oh so now we're back to nicknames?"

"Why do you always ruin these moments?" I try to hit him but the guy has such fast reflexes. he grabs my wrist pulling it towards him.

"Oh so we were having a moment" he smirks.

"You know what I meant" I pull away.

"Not really, no"

"You're stupid."

Silence takes over before Neteyam interrupts it again.

"I saw you made a friend today." He's looking away now.

I furrow my eyebrows "Tsireya? Yeah she's really kind."

He's still looking away. "The other one"


"Who else?" His tone has changed now.

Ohhhhhhh I see what this is

"Are you jealous?" I can't help but smile. I try looking at him but he just turns away.


He is ridiculous. But that means it's my turn to tease him.

"You sure?" I ask teasingly and nudge his shoulder.

"Yes! I was just asking." He's definitely annoyed. 

"Oh he's reallyyyy nice. He helped me a LOT you know? We even joked around when you weren't there." I keep teasing.

"That's great"

I let out a laugh making him turn to look at me quizzically.

"I can't believe you fell for that" 

That's when he realizes. He looks away to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"I didn't even talk with Aonung he just laughed at me with his friends."'

"Yeah I knew that" He's quick to respond.

I keep staring at him knowing he can feel it. I can tell he's embarrased because of his ears.

"Stop starring" I hear him mumble.

"Stop looking away"

He looks my way locking eyes with me. In that moment it's like we're alone. I'm so focused on his eyes I even manage to block out the sound of the water hitting the roots nearby. For a moment it's just us. 

I snap out of it and look down awkwardly as he does the same.

"We should go back it's late." he nods.

He stands up first holding his hand out for me to help me up. I take it and follow him back to the tent. I realise he's still holding my hand but I don't protest. It's nice. His hand is warm and slightly bigger than mine with only 4 fingers. 

Once we get closer to the tent he let's go before stopping and letting me walk in first.

"Where were you?" Neytiri asks as she sees us walk in. She eyes us up and down.

"I had to go think someplace quiet"

She nods understanding.

Soon we all get to bed. I can't fall asleep though. The sound of waves hitting the wooden pillars isn't relaxing anymore but rather annoying. The hard ground doesn't help. I miss my old bed.

Remembering Neteyams words I try to think positive. In the end I fall asleep thinking about him. I guess you could call that a nightmare.

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