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This chapter is kinda long sorry in advance :)

As planned, me, Tuk, Lo'ak and Kiri snuck out. Kiri told Spider and since he's absolutely in love with her he decided to come with us.

We were running from island to island Spider leading the way and Lo'ak behind him. Kiri was teasing Spider and calling him monkey boy while I was in the back helping Tuk so she wouldn't be last.

We were in the forest when Tuk decided to stop and play with a plant. 

"Tuk keep up" Lo'ak yelled.

"Okay okayyyy"

"Bro why'd you bring her anyway?" Spider spoke up.

"She's such a cry baby!" he imitates Tuk "I'll tell dad if you don't let me come. I know you're not allowed to go to the battlefield!" 

She sticks her tongue out.

"Don't pick on her" I say annoyed.

"Come on" 

They decided to climb into a crashed helicopter.

"Are there any dead bodies up there?" Tuk asks.

I decide to leave her with the boys before going after Kiri. She has a habit of being curious and wandering around. I decide to follow her in case she gets lost.

I hear the boys making a mess and being loud. I shake my head and hope they don't attrack any unwanted attention. When I trun my head back to Kiri, she's gone.


"Hey guys! Where's Kiri?" I shout grabbing their attention. Spider immediately jumps off and goes of to find her while I go with Lo'ak. We find her a few moments later with Spider.

"Kiri! we have to go!" Tuk calls her

We keep running until we find a big footstep in the mud.

"It's way too big for a humans" Lo'ak states.

"Avatar's?" Spider looks up at him.

"Maybe" Lo'ak gets up and start walking "but they're for sure not ours"

I tense.

 We keep walking silently until Lo'ak stops us. I crouch down and look through the leaves to see what's happening.

"We are never supposed to come here" Kiri whispers "dad will ground you."

"Shhhhh! Can you stop?" he rolls his eyes.

"For life" I add. He simply glares at me before turning to Spider.

"Bro we have got to check this out! Let's go."

I sigh. This is so bad but I go with them to know what they're saying. I can't let them do anything stupid. The blame would go on me as i'm the oldest of the group.

"Bro I've got to signal this" I hear Lo'ak whisper. 


He steps away from scene to go signal it. He clicks on the walkie talkie around his neck.

"Dad, I got eyes on some guys. They look like Avatars but they're in full camo and wearing gear."

I hear dad on the other end "What's your spot"

"Umm we're at the old shack." 

"Who's we?"

double fuck

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