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Tuk did indeed show me a nice spot.

A secluded spot further on the mainland. A river connected to the sea, flowing between the tall dark trees , small lily pads here and there. The water in it filled with colours from all the different plants present in it.

We had been running but stopped once we saw all the different fish swimming between our legs, some blue others yellow. The nature surrounding us glowing in the night as we gaze around in aw. The sight of it all enchanting.

We keep on walking as Tuk tries to touch everything on her way. It was indeed very tempting.

I look up to get a better look at the trees, finally seeing all the night animals out of their hiding place. All the plants glowing a dark shade of blue and green, lighting our way through the water. The only sound coming from our legs hitting the cold water as we keep on walking fascinated.

As I'm looking at the fish swimming around me I feel something gentle land on my shoulder. I hear Tuk give a small gasp.

An essence seed is on my shoulder.

I give a small shudder, a tingling feeling in my stomach suddenly making me forget my surroundings and focus on the seed.

Such a small seed with such a big meaning.

"It's so small" Tuk mumbles as she gets closer to have a better look, "wow.... What does it mean?"

This could've been an amazing joke.

"I don't know" I mutter.

I'm afraid to move and scare it away.

Another tingling, this time on my head.

"You have another one!" she whisper-shouts.

"On my head?"

"Yes" She points at me excitement in her eyes. She circles me to get a better look at it.

I don't know what to do. Is this something special? I'm going to have to ask Kiri later.

"Don't move Rei!"

"I'm not!"

"This is so cool! I can't wait to tell Mom!"

"Is it still on my head?" I ask looking up.

"Yes!" she's giggling clearly enjoying the scene.

Am I supposed to feel anything different? I don't know what to do and my feet ache. If Eywa could hurry up with the message my feet would be thankful.

"Oh nooo! I told you not to move!" Tuk pouts.

"I didn't! I've been in the same position this whole time!"

This could've been another amazing joke.

She crosses her arms, "But they're gone!"

I relax and my shoulders untense. "You sure?"


I look at my shoulder to see indeed the seed not there anymore. I roll back my shoulders and move my feet, feeling the blood rush back in.

"That was-"

"Tuk! Tuk where are you?" We hear a voice yell scaring the animals away. My head turns as I recognise the voice beloning to Neteyam.

He walks out of the bushes clearly relieved when he spots Tuk with me.

"Where were you guys? You missed Lo'ak getting back and nearly getting killed"

He walks up to us and holds his hand out for Tuk to take, pulling her up and out the river.

"You know your way back?" She nods. "Go find mom and tell her we'll be home soon."

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