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I found Kiri soon after leaving the forest. 

She wasn't hard to find. These days she usually spends her time in the sea.

I walk up to her slowly to not disturb her.

"What are you doing?" I sit down next to her in the sand.

"Observing." She doesn't look up as she keeps playing with her hands.

I sigh, resting my head on her shoulder.

We sit for a moment in silence as the waves gently hit our legs.

"Do you think Spider is okay?" she finally asks, her voice small.

I know how Kiri is when she's sad. She doesn't like to talk about her feelings with anyone.

"They wouldn't kill him Kiri. He's a boy."

"They've killed our boys."

"Kiri, " I take her hand, "Spider is tough, you know it. He's probably kicking their asses and making them regret they ever took him. He's going to make it."

I give her hand a small squeeze. She nods.

Silence settles again and we just sit there, hand in hand, in our own thoughts.

I finally break the silence, "wanna go find Tsireya?"

"Yeah, I need more sea shells."


We spend the whole morning swimming around coral reef with Tsireya.

She shows us some secret spots and different ways to collect sea shells.

She shows us her favourite spots and I have to admit, they're beautiful.

We end up nearly missing lunch causing us to get scolded by Neytiri.

This time instead of sitting in our usual spots, me and Kiri sit with Tsireya as we excitedly talk about our plans for the afternoon.

I've never been happier. 

Tsireya is my second girl friend after Kiri.

Back in the forest I was only friends with the Sully family and Spider but now I've finally made a new friend.

Amidst the excitement I don't notice Neteyam watching me from the opposite side where he's sat next Lo'ak. The both of them looking in our direction, both of them for two different reasons.

At some point we finally calm down and I look over to look at Neteyam but he's already looking at me. Our eyes meet before I look down smiling. 

I avert my gaze to look the other way but accidently meet Kiri's questioning look.

Fuck, I need to somehow play this off.

I mirror her expression to make her think she's seeing things.

She gives me a blank stare. She's too smart for my technique.

I pretend I don't see it and instead concentrate on my food for the rest of the meal.

As we leave, Lo'ak comes up to Tsireya.

"Um hey" he gives her an awkward smile as me and Kiri both roll our eyes at his pathetic attempt at flirting.

"Hi" she smiles back, her dimples showing. I don't know if she chooses to ignore his horrible flirting skills or if she's simply oblivious to them.

"I was just wondering if you had some time to show me around?" He scratches the back off his head.

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