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The forest was peaceful around these parts, far from the sky people. They feared these parts because of all the dangerous animals.

I lay in a small clearing near the edge of a cliff. The grass surrounding me was tall, it tickled my cheeks everytime the wind blew. It was a peaceful feeling I hadn't felt in a while. I looked up at the towering trees surrounding the little clearing. I was so focused on the landscape I nearly didn't hear the light footsteps approaching me.


I recognised them immediately.


He was trying to sneak up on me like he always did. It was a stupid game he thought he could win yet he lost everytime.
Deciding to trick him, I closed my eyes pretending to sleep. I could hear him approaching me, careful as to not wake me up from my sleep. He was getting closer and I could faintly hear his steady breathing.
Suddenly I couldn't feel the hot sun on my face anymore, meaning his body was covering it.
I felt his breath closer and closer to my face, waiting for the moment to overturn the situation. I could imagine the smirk on his face he probably had , unaware of the actual situation.

Once I practically felt his body heat, I caught his forearms and pushed him. Taking advantage of his surprise I turned him around so his stomach was on the ground. I heard him grunt from the impact. I quickly pinned his arms behind his back, holding them in one hand while I held his head down in the other. I sat on his back to stop him from struggling, smirking triumphantly.

"You breathe like a sky person, do better"

"That's not fair! You have more training than me!"

"Go cry about it" I reply while letting go and standing up. I hold my hand out to help him up. Big mistake. He takes a hold of it and pulls me down harshly.

I can't believe I fell for that.

I fall down on top of him and this time he's the one to turn me around and pin me down.He holds my wrists in a tight grasp while flipping us over so he's on top. I struggle but we both know he is stronger than me. In less than 5 seconds I'm now in the position he was in a few instants before.

He smirks while looking down at me. "No go on, you were saying"

"I am going to kill you" I seethe.
"Right, especially since I'm the one pinning you down"
"You cheated! That doesn't count!" I cry while trying to free my hands.
" In a real battle no one would care dumbass"he snickers
"You're the dumbas"
"I can't hear you"

"Get off" I try to kick him which obviously doesn't work but I can't let him win.

"Say please"

I'm going to kill him.

"Please"I mutter

"I didn't quite catch that"

I'm really going to kill him.

"PLEASE" I yell right into his ear hoping I damage it.
He laughs but lets go anyways. He knows he's won and he probably won't stop reminding me now.

I get up dusting myself off while glaring at him. He simply gives me a  toothy smile.

"Baby" I mutter
"Sore loser" he replies, "let's go, I was meant to bring you back before nightfall"

"I know my way back. I don't need you."

He puts his hand over his heart feigning hurt,
"You're breaking my heart"

I snort "you're a skxawng"

"Whatever, race you to the camp!"

Oh it's on. No way I'm losing twice in one day to him. I could never live that down.

I climb up a tree deciding to run above ground, it gives you the upper hand. You can see your opponent and theres not as many obstacles as on the ground.
I jump from one branch to the other before looking back down but Neteyam is nowhere to be seen. He's probably way behind.
Night is slowly settling and some plants have started glowing.

Night time on Pandora is so enchanting yet so dangerous. The stars shine bright and every plant lights up as I run. It's magical. I never get bored of it.

I jump from the high branch landing on a huge green leaf before falling onto the next one and jumping down onto the ground.I keep running and with each step I take the ground beneath me lights up. It's beautiful.

I call for my Ikran and as soon as I get to the edge of the cliff I jump before landing on it.

"tswayon niwin" (fly fast) I whisper in her ear while patting her.

We dive down before abruptly turning left. The wind is strong and I feel my hair get blown away from my face. We glide through the air avoiding all the vines from the islands above.
I can now hear Neteyam and his Ikran behind us, he must have caught up.
We speed up gliding next to the island in the air. We get to the opening and land smoothly. I hear Neteyam land right after.
Hoping off, I pat my ikran smiling

"Good job Rio" I turn my head to look at Neteyam, "I guess I win again."

He rolls his eyes "I let you win"

I snort at that "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night-"
"Where were you two? I told you to get back before nightfall not at nightfall"


Jake Sully is definitely in a bad mood. And we probably made it worse. Good job Rei.

"It's my fault-"I don't let Neteyam finish though

"It's my fault sir. I lost track of time."

"I don't care whose fault this is. We are at war, it's too dangerous for you to be out alone. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir" we say at the same time.

I make eye contact with Neteyam. Biggest mistake ever. I try to conceal my smile turning away and pretending to walk towards our hut with my head down. Neteyam notices my smile which in rerurn makes him smile and put his head down. He obviously doesn't conceal it well, recieving a smack on the head from Jake.
I laugh before hearing another smack on the head. This time it's mine. It shuts me up real quick.

We quickly walk towards the hut in silence, Jake behind us. We get inside to see Kiri trying to heal Lo'ak while the other tries to hide his discomfort.

"Rei! Come play with me please, everyone else is too busy!" Tuk notices me, immediately running up to me and tugging on my hand.

"It's getting late Tuk, you should go to bed" Jake answers before I can. He picks her up holding her in his hands. He gives me and Neteyam a look before walking further into our home. Kiri notices.
"What happened?" She looks at me.
"Nothing we just got back too late"
I look towards Neteyam knowing he probably wants to boast about winning our fight.
"She couldn't handle the fact that she lost against me " he smirks.
The urge to slap it off is strong but I manage to restrain myself.
"No, you cheated. Not the same thing "
"Whatever sore loser "

I roll my eyes.

"You two will never change" she says while putting oil on Lo'ak. He flinches
"Stop moving you skxawng"
"I'm not moving!"
"Yes you are!"

Sometimes I wonder if I should thank the Sullys for taking me under their wing or cursing them.

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