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"What was the one thing I asked huh?"He stares right at Lo'ak, "the one thing?"

"Stay out of trouble" 

"Stay out of trouble right"

"It was my fault-" Neteyam tries to help Lo'ak.

"Yeah I don't think so. You gotta stop taking the blame for this knucklehead"

Oh he's mad.

Lo'ak steps up, "Look dad, Aonung was picking on Kiri and Rei." he looks at me "He called them freaks" 

I refuse to make eye contact and instead put my head down. I don't want them to think I started a fight over such a stupid thing. 

Jake simply sighs as he looks away. After a few seconds of silence he turns back around.

"Go apologise to Aonung."

"What?" I finally speak up.

"He's the chiefs son you understand?"

I don't. I don't understand how I have to apologise to someone who hurt me and my family. Why should I be the one to say sorry when he's the one who made fun of me? If anything he should be begging me for forgiveness right about now.

Jake turns his head to me "I don't care how you do it just go make peace."

I can't believe this. So because his dad is important I gotta do the dirty work? He's not even the important one, it's his father! 

I roll my eyes about to walk out with Lo'ak when he calls me over.

"Hey," he looks around before continuing "so what did they other guys look like?"

"Worse" Neteyam answers unsure

"Good, good"

"A lot worse" I add with a proud smile.

"Go see your mother Neteyam." 

He nods turning away but not before shooting me a worried glance. I look at him go before turning to look at Jake.

"What did they say?" 

It takes me a few seconds to realise what he's talking about.

"Just that we were freaks. The usual."

"Hey," he puts his hand on my shoulder "don't let them get to you like that. It shows them you're weak. And next time make sure you do it in a more private area. That way the adults don't know."

I smile slightly.

"And remember to play the victim after. No one will believe him if he says you started it."

"I will"


I hesitate before asking "Do I also have to apologise?" I try to put on the best puppy face I can.I pout my lips and flatten my ears to get that cute baby effect.  I probably look stupid but It's worth a shot. Anything is better than apologising to an entitled and cocky little boy.

My dreams are shattered in a metter of seconds though.

"Go apologise. I can't let you off the hook but make Lo'ak apologise."

"Oh come on-"

"Nope." He pushes me forward "get going before I make you"

I give one last heave sigh just for the effect.

This is going to be painful.

I walk in the same direction as Lo'ak hoping to find him yet also hoping he already left so I have an excuse.

I keep looking for a good couple of minutes before realising he's not the only one missing. Aonung and his friends are nowehere to be found. I guess Lo'ak got to them before me. That's good, it makes my apologising easier.

I should probably do it with some adults around so I can act innocent. That way they think I'm super kind and an honest young girl. If Aonung hits me again they definitely won't believe him.

I'll might add a few tears to make it even more believable.

I'm a genius.

"Rei! Wait!" I stop to see Neteyam walk up to me. "What did my father want? Are you okay?'

"Yeah we just talked about the weather." 

Why did those words come out of my mouth just now?

"The....weather?" He stares at me sceptically.

"Uh yeah. And also about my behaviour. He basically said it was totally unacceptable and that I was crossing the line with how I was behaving these days-"

He gives me an unimpressed look. "Rei you look stupid lying. And you can't even do it properly."

"Did you just insult me? I am shocked to see this type of behaviour coming from you-"

"You're still bad at it."

There's a moment of silence before I look around.

"Fine. He told me to hit better next time"

"Yeah you definitely need to improve" he smirks.

"Do you want me to remind you that I saved your skxawng ass?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Do you want me to remind you how many times I've saved you?"

I roll my eyes "I think you owe me a thank you for today." I cross my arms.

"I think you owe me a hundred thank yous" he crosses his arms.

"Don't copy me"

"I'm not copying you! You're copying me!" 

"You're such a big baby!" I yell walking away.

"You're such a big baby" he imitates me following me.

"You love me so much. I mean look at you following me" I smirk.

"You wish I loved you."

"I guess you'll never know" I keep walking

"I guess- " He stops walking. "What did you say?"

I put a confused look on my face "What did you say?" 

I laugh before jogging away.

"No no no no! This isn't over!" He starts running after me.

"I can't hear you! You need to speak up!"

"I already told you you're a bad liar so why do you continue!"

"I still can't hear you!"

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