A new beginning - 1

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It was a gloomy morning, dark grey clouds covered the sky, the sun also hidden. El sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes with closed fists. She stretched before getting out of bed. A shiver shot through her body as she stood up, since she was only wearing short shorts and an over - sized T-shirt over it.

She had graduated not long ago, and she moved into her own apartment. She loved having a place to call her own and this new - found independence but she did feel a bit lonely waking up with no one to talk to. She had thought about getting a pet but she didn't know how to look after one very well and as she worked as a cop, she wasn't at home very often.

She had a day off today, so she went into the shower. She walked out twenty minutes later, and wrapped a towel around her body. As she walked into her room to get dressed, she heard someone knock on the door. El wasn't expecting anyone so she just ignored it and began to get changed. The knocks didn't stop and instead became more urgent.

Eleven groaned, "Coming!" She shouted. She was only wearing a shirt and her pants but at least the shirt covered it easily. She walked over to the door and opened it. Immediately, she got pushed to the ground and someone landed on top of her. The door slammed shut and El saw the person shaking.

"What the...?" She interrupted herself when she saw the red hair. "Max? What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" She asked firmly. Max got off El and stood up, still shaking.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't know you lived here." She said, looking down.
"Um ok? Are you gonna get out?" El asked sharply. Max immediately looked up into El's eyes and shook her head.
"N-no I can't, please. He's out there waiting for me." She said, tearing up.
"Wha... who the hell is out there?!" El shouted, Max flinched.
"Daniel, he's my ex. But he's been following me and so I ran here, I-I'm-" She rambled, tears pouring down her cheeks. El interrupted her.
"It's fine just calm down." El said, she grabbed Max by the shoulders and sat her down. "Relax, you can stay here till he leaves ok?" El soothed.

Max nodded, looking deeply into El's chocolate brown eyes. "O-ok. Thank you so much."
"Mhm, now let me go put trousers on." El said, walking away. As she walked away, Max looked her up and down, taking in all the beauty. Even though the two girls had basically been enemies for 5 years, ever since they were 13, Max couldn't help but having a small crush on her.

El came back a minute later, now wearing leggings. "Ok, so what's this Daniel been doing?" She asked, sitting on the other side of the sofa.
"He-he's... first it was normal, we barely even argued. And then, I don't even know... I came home one night, just a week or two after graduation, and I'd been hanging out with Will and he just snapped. He screamed at me, so bad we got a noise complaint and the police came." Max began crying.
"Shhh, don't worry. He can't do anything to you now." El assured, still on the other side of the sofa.
"T-thank you." She wiped her tears, "He must've thought I was cheating on him with Will or something because every time I went out, he'd watch to make sure he wasn't there. Then, one day Will walked me home since it was dark and..." She took a deep breath. "He hit me El. And not just once, he bruised me and made me bleed... just like Neil used to." Max began crying again.

"What!?" El asked, her mind trying to gather all the information. Max just nodded, tears still flooding her face.
"Can I h-hug you?" Max asked.
"Umm, yeah of course." El said, a bit awkwardly. Max didn't care though, she rushed to El as soon as she agreed and hugged her tight. "He-he's hurt me so much El. I c-couldn't tell anyone. He was always watching me." She sobbed, still holding El tight.
El tensed up hearing that, she knew what it felt like to be trapped, someone always watching you. "We're gonna get revenge Max, I promise."

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