I like you - 7

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They made it home and had just finished eating dinner. "Damn Max, you are good at cooking!" El said, washing the dishes.
"Thanks El, once you're done can we sleep? I'm tired." Max said, already yawning.
"Yeah sure." El said, drying her hands before following Max to her bedroom.

Max lay in bed, wearing a onesie she had brought today. El lay next to her, wearing a T-shirt and tracksuit she had also brought today. El laughed.
"What's so funny?" Max asked, turning to face El.
"You're 18 and yet you still wear onesies." She said, still laughing.
Max frowned, "It's comfy." She said.
"I'm more comfy." El said.
Max blushed, "Oh yeah?" She asked.
"Yeah." El said, lying on her back and closing her eyes. Max smiled and lay her head on El's chest, she put her hand on her chest too and crossed their legs together.
"You're right. You are more comfortable." Max whispered, falling asleep.
El laughed, "Goodnight Max."
"Night El." Max snuggled into El's chest while El wrapped an arm around her. They both met their dreams quickly.

A few hours later
El woke up first, and saw that Max was still asleep on her. She smiled and looked at the time, 2:37. Why the hell was she awake so early? She hugged Max closer and closed her eyes. She began drifting off to sleep when she heard Max breathing heavily. "Stop!" Max said, her eyes still closed.
El opened the eyes and realised Max was having a nightmare. "Shit Max. Max, wake up!" El said, shaking her gently.
Max suddenly woke up, and took a gasp of air. She sat up next to El.
"Are you ok?" El asked.
Max looked at her and teared up. She shook her head, "No... I had a fucking nightmare." She said, as if she was mad at herself.
"It's fine. What was it about? If you want to tell me of course." El added.

Max nodded, "Neil. All these dumbass nightmares are about him. Sometimes Daniel's in them too." She said, beginning to cry.
"Shhhh, it's ok." El whispered. She opened her arms and Max lay down on her again, with her head on her chest again. El wrapped her arms around her and rubbed her back gently, while Max sobbed into her shirt. "You're ok Max. They can't hurt you anymore." El assured softly.
The crying girl sniffed, "Promise?" She asked, her voice shaking.
"Promise." El answered, she hugged Max close and waited for her to fall asleep before closing her eyes herself.

The next morning
Max woke up first, and looked at her phone. 5:57. 3 more minutes to cuddle with the warm El. She lay back down and accidentally woke up El.
"Morning Max." She said, yawning.
"Morning. I'm sorry about last night, I was being a wuss." Max said, ashamed.
"You weren't. I get nightmares a lot too." El said.
"Wait. Really?!" Max asked, sitting up.
"Yeah! I don't have them when I'm sleeping with you though." El said, sitting up too.
Max smiled, "I didn't expect anything less." She said.

El smiled too. "Oh shut up." She said, playfully hitting Max's arm.
"Can we stay at home today?" Max asked.
"Max! It's your first day!" El said, getting up.
Max grabbed her arm, "Please?" She asked with puppy eyes.
"You have to be in for your first day. I'll make it up to you." El said, standing up.
Max groaned, "Fine." They laughed and got ready to go.

8 hours later
It's now 2:47 and Max had just arrived home. She lay down on the couch and relaxed for a bit before El came back. She was watching TV when El finally came home. By now it was 4pm.
"Hi Max!" She said, sitting beside her.
"Hey. How was work?" Max asked.
"Alright, Hopper and Joyce are on holiday though." El said.
"That's nice, they deserve it."
"True, anyway... how was your day?" El asked.
"Good actually! I'd rather have stayed at home though." They laughed. "And you still have to make it up to me." She said, looking into El's eyes.
El blushed, "And how am I meant to do that?" She asked.

Max bit her bottom lip, "Let me do anything to you." She whispered, getting closer to El.
El blushed hard, "I'm all yours." She said.
"Good." Max whispered softly, her breath warm against El's lips. She slowly leaned in and their lips connected. She put her hand against El's chest and gently pushed her so she was lying down. She got on top of her and kissed her again. Butterflies were fluttering in both their stomachs as they kissed.

Max was holding herself up with one hand as the other caressed El's cheek. El's arms were around Max's waist as she smiled into the kiss. Max licked El's bottom lip, begging for entry and she let her in. She gently bit El's lip, which made a small moan escape from the brunette. El pulled away smiling. "Have I made it up?" She asked.

"Definitely. Can I tell you something? I completely understand if you wanna kick me out after or..."
"Don't worry, I won't kick you out. And you can tell me anything." El said, sitting up.
Max sat up too and looked at El, nervous. "I uhh... I like you El. I lied when I said I didn't." She didn't dare to look El in the eye.
El laughed, "I like you too Max. And I already knew you still liked me." She said.
Max immediately looked into El's eyes, "You do?! How did you know?" She said quickly.
El laughed again, "It was obvious! Did you see how much you were freaking out in the arcade when I got close?"
Max blushed, "Shut up, that was cheating by the way."
"You still won!" El said.
"Of course I did! I'm way better than you at video games!" Max said.
"I'll beat you at some point."

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