Kiss - 5

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Max pulled away quickly, "Shit El, I'm so sor-" El smiled and interrupted.
"It's fine, we just had an adrenaline rush. Now let's go, I'm tired." She looked down, "And still in my uniform." They laughed and El stood up and left to change.
Max just sat in the bathroom for a bit, going over what just happened. Why did she kiss her?What does this mean? She didn't want to make it awkward between them so she just decided to go with the flow. She walked out the bathroom and El came out her bedroom a few seconds after. She was wearing shorts and an oversized T-shirt again, it was a cute fit.

"El, can you follow me for a second?" Max asked, quietly.
"Yeah of course." Max led El to her room, and sat down on the bed. El sat down on the desk chair.
"What just happened?" Max asked, not daring to look into her eyes.
"Well you kissed me and I kissed back." El simply said.
"Ok... what does it mean for us?" Max asked, scared she might get kicked out.
"Nothing will change. We're still friends. You don't like me right?" El asked.
Max shook her head, "No, I did like you a bit when we were 13 though." She said, not daring to tell El she still liked her.
"You liked me when we were 13!?" El asked.
"Yep. And hey you were cute, you can't blame me!" Max said.
"Wow... you're saying I'm not cute anymore?" El teased.

"Um well n-no you still are. But it's changed now I mean we've grown up and... ugh just forget it. You're still cute, very cute." Max said, blushing hard.
"Aww thank you!" El said, laughing.
"Shut up. Anyway, are you tired?" Max asked.
"Very, why? Shall I leave so you can sleep or-?" El asked.
"No, don't leave. Can you sleep here tonight, I'm cold." Max said, getting under the blanket.
"Oh. Is the blanket not good enough, I can get another one-" El said.
"It's perfect El, but it would be better if you were here too." Max said.
"Ok. Wait, I have to wake up at 6 though." El said.
"I know, me too. I have an interview for the restaurant down the road."
"You're using me as your alarm?" El asked, getting into bed next to Max.
"Yep, my warm alarm though." Max said, scooting closer to her .

El laughed. "Well goodnight Max." She said, closing her eyes.
"Night El." Max said. She admired El for a bit before falling asleep too.

The next morning, El woke up and saw that it was 6. It was a sunny morning today but still quiet outside. "Max." El whispered, gently shaking her.
"No..." Max groaned, still with her eyes closed.
"Yes... now come on otherwise we'll be late." El said.
"5 more minutes." Max said.
"Nope." El sat up and carried Max in her arms. She got out of bed and carried Max to her bathroom. "You have 20 minutes." She shut the door and walked back to the bedroom to make the bed.
"You're not nice El!" Max shouted from the bathroom.
"Thank you!" El shouted back.

She laughed to herself and went to her own bathroom to get cleaned up and changed. By the time 20 minutes had passed, El was already in her uniform so she walked back to Max's room.

She knocked on the door, "Max? You ready?" She asked.
"Yep, let me get my shoes on!" Max shouted from inside.
"Alright, come to the living room when you're done." El said, walking away.

5 minutes later, Max came into the living room. "Sorry for wearing your clothes." Max said.
"It's fine, you look better in them anyway." El smiled, "We can go shopping later though if you'd like." She offered.
"Yeah, good idea." Max agreed.
"Good, anyway let's go!" El said, grabbing Max's hand and leading her outside. She locked the door behind them and began walking down the hallway.
"Daniel's been arrested right?" Max asked, walking close to El as if she was scared.
"Yeah 100%. He won't come back here, I promise." El assured.
"But what if he escapes and hurts you I won't-" She got interrupted.
"Calm down." El said softly, "He won't come here, I told Hopper to keep a guard outside his cell at all times. And he knows what happened last time he came here."
Max sighed, "You're right... thanks El."
"No problem, anyway we can take my car. So where's the restaurant?" El asked, reaching her car.

El opened the door for Max before getting in the drivers seat herself. "Umm, Bakers Lane." Max said, getting in the car too.
"Cool! Troy works at the bakery there!" El said, starting the car.
"What!? Bully Troy?" Max asked.
"Yeah, but he's changed now. He's a nice guy." El said.
"If you say so..."
They talked the whole way there, and finally El had arrived.

"We're here." El said, stopping the car.
"Thanks El." Max said.
"Don't mention it. Oh and here's a spare key for the apartment." El said, handing her the silver object.
"Thanks again. I've gotta go now so I'll see you later!" Max said getting out the car.
"Good luck!" El said as Max shut the car door.
Max smiled and waved as El drove off, and walked into the restaurant.

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