Deal - 6

300 10 1

8 hour time skip

Max was sitting in the living room, she had got the job so she was waiting for El to come home to tell her.

An hour later, El arrived home. She opened the door and locked it behind her. "Hey Max! How'd the interview go?" She asked, sitting down beside her.
"I got the job!" Max excitedly said. El's face lit up.
"Well done! I'm proud of you." El said, hugging her.
"Thank you, it means I'll have to wake up at 6 now too though." Max groaned.
El winced, "Yeah, you're not really a morning person are you?"
Max laughed, "Damn how did you figure that out?" She sarcastically asked.
El laughed too. "Wanna go out? Like to celebrate your new job? And shopping of course, I didn't forget."
Max looked down at her phone and blushed at a message.
"Uh, only if you want to of course?" El nervously added, a bit jealous but not sure why.
Max laughed and looked up, "Yes I'll go with you." She said.
"Cool." El said, still a bit jealous. "Um- uh let me get ready."

El got dressed, she wore a white T-shirt and black jeans, as well as a black leather jacket. Max was already wearing blue jeans and a white shirt, and a dark denim jacket.
El walked back into the living room. "You ready?" She asked.
"Yeah, let's go." Max said, standing up and walking out the apartment. El locked the door behind them and they walked down to the car, talking along the way.

"So, what's your style?" El asked as they drove down the busy roads of Hawkins.
"I guess the same as high school, I wear the same kind of things." Max said.
"Cool, so skater girl vibes?" She joked.
"Shut up!" Max laughed.
"Oh my god! We should buy you a skateboard! There's a skatepark right near the apartment!" El excitedly said.
"El I haven't skated for months!" Max said.
"Do you wanna skate again?" El asked.
"Yeah of course, I love skating." Max said.
"Then you can! I'm sure you haven't forgotten, it's like muscle memory or something." El said.

"Alright, I'll buy one then." Max agreed.
"You won't regret it, anyway we're here!" El said, parking the car outside the mall.
They got out and walked inside.
"Remember the first time I went to the mall?" El asked.
"The time with the party?" Max asked.
"Yeah! It was fun right?" El asked.
"Mhm, especially the part where I beat you in all the games!" Max said.
"That wasn't fair." El said, crossing her arms.
"I'd still beat you! Let's go to the arcade later, if I win you have to sleep with me again tonight." Max said.
"Fine. If I beat you, you have to buy me eggos." El said.
Max laughed, "Deal."

They walked into most of the shops and brought loads of clothes for Max and some for El too.
"Wanna go to arcade now?" Max asked.
"Yeah, watch me beat you." El said.
They got to the arcade and Max went straight to DigDug. "You're fucking joking me, you're high score is still here from when we were 13!" El said, pointing to the leaderboard, which did in fact still say 'MadMax' at the top.
"Hey, that's not my fault." Max said, putting her hands up. "Ignore that score, this one will count." Max said, putting a quarter in the game.
"Fine." El said, she stood right next to Max so she could watch the game too.

Max was going strong until she realised how close El was. She could feel her warm, soft breaths on her cheek and began to get flustered. "Shit." She whispered to herself, trying to concentrate.
"Keep going." El whispered in her ear, knowing it was affected her playing.
"That's cheating." Max said, still focusing on the game.
"Fine... I'm gonna go play Pac-Man while you do that, tell me when you've lost." El said, smirking and walked to the other arcade machine.

El played for over 20 minutes, and Max still hadn't lost. El managed to get the high score in Pac-Man though. She went back up to Max. "You're still playing?!" El asked.
"Yep, I'm too good." Max said smirking.
"You should be going easy on me." El said.
"Mhm, you're the one who said you could beat me." Max said, still focusing on the game.
El got close to her, but not as close as before. "Don't worry, I won't cheat." El said softly, also looking at the game.
Max blushed a bit but managed to keep focus. "Good." She said.
"I want you..." She got distracted by something behind them for a sec but Max didn't know. She blushed like crazy and was losing focus. "To win." El finished, turning back around to look at the game.
"Please go easy." El said, seeing Max's score was well in the thousands by now. "Please." She whispered desperately, since she wanted to win the bet.
This did it for Max, she completely lost focus and died in the game.

El stood up straight and laughed. "All I had to do was beg." She said.
Max's dirty mind took over and she blushed. El noticed.
"What?" She asked, genuinely not knowing what she said that was making Max blush.
Max laughed, "Don't worry about it. And you haven't won yet." She smirked and ruffled El's hair before going to a different game.

El started the game up again but wasn't near as good as Max. She died after 10 minutes, which meant she lost the bet. She groaned since she was a competitive person, especially when she was against Max.
"Max!" She shouted, "I lost."
Max heard and walked up to her, "Told you you couldn't beat me." She said smugly.
"Don't rub it in." El said sadly.
Max smiled, "Fine, can I go on your shoulders? I'm tired."
"Yeah it must be tiring to win isn't it?" El sarcastically asked. But she still crouched down so Max could get on.

El gently put her hands on Max's thighs, so she didn't fall off. Max blushed and held the bags from their shopping. "Thanks Ellie." Max said, happy she won.
"No problem Maxie." El mocked, laughing.
Max blushed and they talked while walking to the car. El let Max get down and they drive home, talking the whole way.

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