Just in time. ‼️ - 11

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Max's POV
I fucked up. El, the girl I've had a crush on for years finally loved me, and was gonna ask me out! But I ruined it. One kiss with someone I barely liked as a friend ruined me.

El's kicked me out, and I don't blame her. I've ruined her too, every time I go there to make sure she's ok, I either hear her crying or asleep. I can't bear it anymore, I know I was the one person she thought she could always trust but I've broken that trust. El's not in a good mental state anymore, I know how hard she's worked to try and be the best she can be and I've just brought that crashing down.

But here's the thing. I know I should give her space or maybe not even see her again, but what if she tries to do something to herself? If she dies because of me I wouldn't be able to live with it, the fact that I'd be the reason Eleven Hopper had died. That's why, I'm going to Robin's right now. I haven't seen her since graduation but we've called almost everyday.

I'm gonna tell what I've done, and even though I know she'll be mad because I'm in the wrong, I need her help. I can't drive, and I need to get to El. I know she's gonna try something, she knows how to do it, she told me she almost did in the lab. Before Papa stopped her. So now, I need to stop her. I need to show her that there are many reasons to live for, even if I'm not one of them anymore.

El's POV
It's been 3 days since I kicked Max out, I think at least. I don't even know what time it is, all I do is cry, shower, sleep and cry some more. I can't eat, I can't drink, I can't breathe, I can't live. I don't want to live anymore. I wish I never escaped the lab, I just ruin everything and everyone. I don't want to live, I just want everything to end.

Max's POV
I told Robin everything. I was right, she was pissed. But I couldn't care less right now, I just cared about El. We need to hurry, it's been over 3 days. We both got into her car and rushed to the apartment block. I just hope we're not too late.

5 minutes later, we arrived. As soon as she stopped the car I ran out, and bolted up the stairs. I tried to open the door but it was locked or something. Robin came in running after me and we slammed into the door, trying to force it open. I can feel it working. Come on El, we're here.

‼️Self Harm‼️ (skip this part if you want, I'll tell you when it's done)
El's POV
Here I am, in the bathroom, with a blade to my wrist. El Hopper, giving up? Yes. I can't deal with it anymore, I want to be happy. I need to be happy. I don't wanna die, but it's the only option I've got.

Shit. There's someone trying to get inside. Whatever, they can take what they want. I closed my eyes and put the cold blade against my skin. That's when I heard the door burst open. "El!" I heard someone familiar shout. "El!" Max? She's probably here to tell me she likes Troy.

I heard someone, no two people running around. "El!" Max screamed, looking in all the rooms. I tried to ignore her shouts as I closed my eyes again. I pushed the blade against my skin again. 3...2... Someone tried to open the bathroom door, but I had locked it. "El? If you're in there, please tell me you're alive. I'm begging you. Scream something at me, insult me, anything I don't care. I just want to know you're ok." Max said, I could hear her voice breaking.

I hesitated. "Max." I managed to get out, my voice broken after all the crying.
Max let out a sob, "Thank you so much El. Please let me in. I'm not here to hurt you, I promise." She said.

I stood up. I was too weak to use my powers. I put the knife on the floor and unlocked the door, Max launched at me, giving me the biggest hug ever. "I'm sorry." I whispered, hugging her back.
"I thought I lost you El." She sobbed into my shoulder, "I'm so sorry."
"It's ok." I said, crying too.
‼️(It's finished, you guys can read on from here if you skipped.)‼️

A few seconds later, Robin came running in. What the fuck? "El!" She said, "I'm so glad you're ok." She joined the hug for a sec. "I'll let you guys be alone. You alright to stay here Max?" She asked. Max pulled away from the hug and looked at me. I nodded. "Alright, I'm so happy you're ok El. I'll see you girls soon." She said, walking out.

Max looked at my wrists and my arms. Then she hesitantly lifted the bottom of my shirt, revealing my stomach. When she saw I hadn't hurt myself she hugged me tight again. "Thank you so much Ellie. I love you." She said, whispering the last part.
"I love you too Max." I whispered.
"Robin gave me the flowers and letter you wrote for me. Troy must've dropped them off." She sniffed, "I'm so sorry for breaking your heart El. I swear on everything I never meant to. I've loved you for years and I still do." She pulled away from the hug, "D-do you reckon you could forgive me? I love you so much El, I can't lose you." Tears flooded her eyes as she spoke, probably thinking I'd reject her.

"I forgive you Max. I'm sorry too." I said.
"Don't apologise. You did nothing wrong. Have you eaten?" Max asked. I stayed silent and looked down. "Shit. Ok I'll make you something. Come into the living room." I did what she said and sat down on the sofa, exhausted after today.

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