Neil - 17

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Max's POV:
I woke up to see myself in El's bed, with her holding me close. I smiled and realised I was in El's clothes. She took care of me when I was asleep, that's so cute.

I heard El shuffle behind me, so I turned to face her. "Ellie, we have to wake up." I whispered, slowly caressing her cheek.
"Nooo, it's comfy here." She said sleepily.
"Come on El." I said.
"We don't have anything to do today. Can we sleep a bit more?" She asked, her eyes still closed.
I smiled, I knew I couldn't say no to sleepy El like that. "Fine, but we're not staying here all day ok?" I replied.
"Ok. Now come here." She said, bringing me closer to her. I lay my head on her shoulder and she lay on her back. I fell asleep again as she gently stroked my hair.

El's POV:
This time I woke up first, to the sound of violent knocking on the door. I was confused, nobody was meant to come over today, and even if they did they wouldn't knock that hard.

Max was still asleep, so I tried to get up but I accidentally woke her. "Sorry." I said, staring to doubt whether the knocks were fake or not.
"It's ok, what happened thou-" She was cut off my by the sound of knocking again. It sounded like whoever was behind the door was getting very impatient. "Uh who's that?" She asked.
"I don't know." I answered honestly, I stood up out of bed and walked out the room to the door, Max close behind me.

I opened it and I saw an angry man in front of me. He looked similar to Billy, only much older. "Hello?" I asked, confused on who this was. They seemed very familiar though. Max peeked over my shoulder and as soon as she saw the man the colour from her face vanished. She seemed scared. Names flooded my head, who was she afraid of? It's not Daniel... Neil. Fucking Neil is outside my house.

I looked back over to him and saw an angry look on his face. "So, you gonna let me in or what?" He asked. I cut him off by shutting the door in his face.
I turned to Max, "Why is Neil here?" I asked, genuinely confused.
Max shook her head, tears flooding her eyes, "I don't know. I swear I didn't invite him over." She rambled.
"It's fine, I know you didn't. Want me to let him in?" I asked, I mean he was her step - dad after all, so it was her call.
"No." She said quickly, "He's mad, you know what happens when he's mad." Max said, her eyes looked in pain, as if she was reliving all these childhood memories again.

Anger shot through my body at the man who had hurt Max for years, no matter how many times I tried to help Max by inviting her over. I know we were rivals, but I cared for her deep down (Now she knows why 😉) and I'd never want anyone to get hurt like that.

"Ok, go back in my room if you don't wanna see him. I'll get him out." I said.
She hugged me tight, "He's gonna try hurt me El." She whispered in my neck, sobbing slightly.
I put my hands around her waist tight, feeling that anger still in my body. "He won't. I promise." I said. She looked at me, tears still in her eyes, and nodded before walking back to my room.
I took a deep breath before opening the front door again. Now he looked pissed, I could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.

"How dare you shut the door on me!" He shouted, I didn't flinch which hurt his ego a bit I think.
"This is my apartment, I can do what I want. Now fuck off Neil." I said, trying to shut the door on him again. This time, he used his hand to stop the door.
"Where the fuck is Maxine?!" He shouted again.
"None of your business. Now fuck off!" I shouted slightly, getting pissed myself.
Before I could say anything else, he barged inside.

"Maxine! Just you wait bitch, you're fucking dead!" He shouted, walking around my house.
I rushed to him and grabbed him by his arms, "Don't make this harder than it has to be." I warned him. "Get the hell out while you still have the chance." I said.
He kicked me like a fucking horse, and I let go of him for a second.

He ran out of my reach and straight to my room. That door was the only one shut so I guess it made sense he went there first.

He burst the door open and I saw Max flinch in there. "There you are. This is what you get for leaving Daniel." I started focusing on him and just as he was about to hit Max I stopped him with my powers.
He looked shocked, "What the fuck...?" He said, he tried to move but I kept him still.
"I said, Leave. Her. Alone." Each word I took a step closer to him, until I was in front of him with Max behind me.

Max seemed frozen out of fear, but I knew I could beat this pathetic old man's ass with her right there behind me. I let go of him with my powers and grabbed his swinging fist. He used his other to punch me, and he hit me right on the lip. Damn I was trying to go for a perfect like those video games. Oh well. I grabbed him by both hands and used my knee to hurt him right where the sun doesn't shine.

He groaned in pain and tried to bend over, but I kept a firm grip on him. I kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying into the wall. "Hey! You're gonna hurt my walls." I jokingly said, I was happy I'm getting the chance to beat his ass, he deserves it.

I walked over to him, he was sitting against the wall, breathing heavily. He grabbed me by the legs and made me fall to the floor. He then got on top of me and began punching my stomach. I laughed again, "You're lucky I'm 18 huh?" I asked. I grabbed him the collar of his dirty ass jacket and flipped him over me, so now he was on the floor.

"If you thought I was getting on top of your dirty ass, you thought wrong." I said as I kicked him in the stomach. "I'd gladly get on top of Max though." I laughed again, honestly I was having too much fun.
I had almost knocked him out, one punch in the face could've finished the job. But I turned to Max. "Wanna do the honours darling?" I asked sweetly.
She didn't look scared anymore, instead proud. She smirked, "Gladly." She walked over to us and got close to his ear. "You're lucky El went easy on you." She said. I smirked as she punched him clean in the face, knocking him out cold.

I had fun writing this chapter ngl. Neil had it coming to him.
Anyway, pls give me more ideas I'm running out. 😭 Also check out my other book, I'm trying to post at least 1 chapter on both a week.
Love you guys ♥️

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