Leaving - 3

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This part will be longer than the previous ones, hopefully you guys don't mind. Thank you again for reading this book! ❤️

Max had one of the best sleeps of her life. She felt so relieved after leaving her toxic ex, and her day with El had cheered her up. Not to mention how comfortable the bed was, even though Max was better at pranking, she had to admit El was way better at home decorating. She fell back asleep easily, and dreamt of El.

El had also had a good sleep, and woke up at 6 am to get ready. She showered quickly and got ready quietly so she didn't wake up Max. She took a Polaroid picture of her in her uniform and wrote, 'Here's my uniform <3' on the back before quietly leaving to go to the station.

Max woke up again at 10 am, and was surprised El hadn't woken her up. She made her bed before walking out the bedroom. She brushed her teeth with the spare toothbrush El had left her, and showered before putting El's clothes on. She wore one of her plain T-shirts and a hoodie, and of course jeans. It fit her perfectly but she felt guilty, all that faded away when she smelt El's natural scent. It was like vanilla, but with a hint of warm eggos too.

She felt all warm inside and her heart leapt every time she thought of El. Shit, I guess her feelings are back. But she had to ignore them, Eleven obviously didn't feel the same way, and she was lucky enough that El had even let her stay.

She managed to get El out her mind, and walked into the living room. There on the coffee table, she saw a Polaroid picture. She was hesitant to look at it, in case she wasn't meant to, or it was private. But she realised it was flipped, so the picture was facing down. She read the words on the back and she got that stupid warm tingling sensation again. She had put a heart!

She slowly picked it up and flipped it over see the picture. Her jaw dropped as she saw how stunning El was in her uniform. It fit perfectly, not baggy but not too tight either. It showed all her curves but also brought the badass side of her out. She looked at El's face and saw that amazing smile she always did, you knew it was genuine by her eyes, and how flecks of gold would appear in them when she was happy.

She looked at the picture for ages, before finally being broken from her trance at the sound of horns from the road below. She smiled to herself before going back to her room and pinning the photo to the cork board in her room. She made pasta in the kitchen and ate some before putting the leftovers in the fridge, so El could have some later.

She just chilled for a while until she heard the door unlocking. She got scared but calmed down as soon as she saw El walk inside. "Hey Max!" She said.
"Hey El, how was work?" Max asked, trying to not show her reaction after seeing El in her uniform, in person this time.
"Amazing! Did you like my picture?" El asked, locking the door behind her.
"Yeah!" Max said, trying not to show her full reaction at this point, "I kept it in the guest room if you don't mind?" She asked, unsure whether or not it's creepy.
"Nah do what you want with that room, it's yours now." She said.
"Thanks El but I won't stay here-" She stopped herself when El's eyes looked into her ocean blue ones.
"What, why? Did I do something?" El asked, worry in her voice.
"N-no..." Max felt herself getting flustered with El not breaking the eye contact. Max couldn't help herself and looked down, breaking it.
"Shit." El said to herself, she put her hands on her head and sat down, away from Max as she felt as if she was the problem.

"I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you feel uncomfortable or-" She got interrupted.
"El! Calm down, you haven't done anything." Max looked into El's eyes, which were still filled with worry, "You've done nothing but make me feel comfortable, it's been amazing staying with you here but-" El's eyes filled with tears, waiting for what Max was gonna say. She really didn't want to be alone again.

"But I have to go. I'll just be a burden and Daniel will cause problems..."
"Please..." El said, with pleading eyes, "I can deal with Daniel just please don't leave, you're not a burden I promise. I had fun yesterday, didn't you?" El asked, her heart breaking.
"Yeah, I really did El. I'm so happy we're friends now but I really shouldn't stay... I can go back with my mum... and Neil." Max said, her heart breaking too after seeing El on the verge of tears.
"Neil?" El asked, her voice breaking, "Why are you going back to him? Didn't you say you couldn't wait until you were 18 just so you could move out?"

"Yeah, but it'll be better there." Max said.
"I-I can stay away from you if you want. If you don't want me near I can go." El offered.
"What? This is your apartment El!" Max said.
El nodded, "I know, I just don't want you to get hurt Max..." She said, trying hard to hold in her tears.
"Just stop!" Max snapped, "Stop pretending like you care! No one has ever fucking cared about me, ever!" She shouted.
Tears flooded El's cheeks, "I care about you Max. Please..." She got interrupted.
"No! That's exactly what Daniel fucking said, and look what happened!" Max stood up.
"N-no I would never hurt you I promise." El didn't shout, but tears kept coming. She stood up and walked up to Max, she tried to put her hand on her shoulder but Max slapped her, hard.

She stepped back, shocked. "What did I do?" She asked, feeling the burn on her cheek, right where Max had slapped her. "Please tell me, I can change for you." El said.
"Nothing! That's the fucking problem! You're perfect, in every fucking way! You're beautiful, kind, funny... you're perfect, and I'm just an abused bitch, I deserve Daniel, I deserve Neil... I don't deserve you or anything good." Max shouted, she stormed out the apartment, El chasing after her.

"Max! Please." El said, trying to catch up, even though she was exhausted after work and the argument.
Max didn't stop until she reached the staircase, when she saw a hooded man walking up, it was Daniel. She just froze, too scared to move. Suddenly, someone had shoved her against the wall, she tried to scream but they had covered her mouth.

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