Deb 🚨 - 13

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A few hours later
Max woke up to see herself lying her head on El's chest. El was asleep and Max admired her, not in a creepy way, in a cute way. For once in her life, Max was genuinely in love.

She crawled up El, so she was a bit higher. She lay her head on El's shoulder, but she was still asleep, breathing softly. Max kissed El's neck gently, eventually finding her soft spot. She sucked on it, but not roughly. El woke up, and gently stroked Max's hair.
El smirked, "What are you doing Max?" She asked. Max didn't answer and instead began giving El a hickey. She groaned, it felt so good. But before Max could mark her, she gets flipped over so El's now on top of her.

"As much as I'd love to continue this, we have places to be." She said. She smirked before kissing Max passionately. She got off Max and off the bed, standing up. "Ready to go?" She asked.
"Almost, I have one more thing to do." She walked over to El and kissed her again, putting her hand under her chin. "Ok, now I'm ready." She said, smiling.
El blushed, "Come on." They drove to Mike's house, talking with Max along the way.

They arrived a few minutes later, and El opened the door for Max before they both knocked on the door. A girl with black hair opened the door. The girls were confused until Lucas came over. "Hey girls! Come inside." He said.
They did as they were told and walked into the living room.
"Ok, this is Deb, Mike's cousin from California. Deb, this is El, and this is Max." Lucas introduced them. Deb smiled at them, especially El. Max got a bit jealous but didn't say anything.
"Nice to meet you Deb!" El said, shaking her hand. Deb kept her hand on El's a bit longer than usual, but eventually let go before shaking Max's hand.

She walked back into the basement, and Max got closer to El. "That girl's not good news El." She whispered, so only El could here.
"I thought that too. I promise I won't try anything." She whispered back.
"I know, I trust you El. I don't trust her though. We have to keep an eye on her." She said. El nodded before holding Max's hand, bringing her to the basement too.

They walked inside and the boys greeted them. They saw them holding hands but didn't mention it, they could tell they liked each other, or something was happening between them. Deb stared at their connected hands though, but El didn't let go of Max's until they sat down.
"Wanna play DnD with us?" Dustin asked El.
"Sure! You're gonna have to teach me how to play though. Max do you wanna join?" El asked.
"Nah, I'll watch you guys." Max said, smiling at her. El smiled back before going up to the boys.
"Deb, you gonna play?" Mike asked.
"Nah, I'll watch too." She said, looking back at El. Max noticed and clenched her jaw.

Since there were no more chairs around the board, El has to stand. She didn't mind though. Her back was facing towards Deb, and she was staring at El's ass. Max noticed this too, she was watching Deb staring at her girl. She walked up to Deb and sat beside her, trying to distract her.

"Hey, Deb right? When did you arrive in Hawkins?" Max asked.
"Only a few hours ago. Mike and I have been planning it for a while though." She said, reluctantly taking her eyes off El and looking at Max.
"Cool. You ever played DnD?" Max asked, trying to keep the conversation going.
"A few times. I'd rather watch her though." She said, looking back at El's perfect figure.
"Why? You only met her today." Max said, feeling anger rise through her.
"I know, she's so beautiful though. You know her?" Deb asked.
"Yeah, I've known El and the boys since we were 13." Max said, glad to have found an advantage over her.

🚨Mention of drugs 🚨 (Skip this part if you'd like, I'll tell you when it's done.)
"Nice, you're all 18 now?" Deb asked.
"Lucas is 19, only since a few weeks. El's the youngest by a couple months." Max said, wondering where this conversation was going.
"But she's 18 right? El?" She asked intently.
"Yeah? Why?" Max asked.
Deb smirked, "I'm gonna try make her mine for tonight, I'm 19 by the way." She said.
Max clenched her jaw again, "I don't think that'll happen." She said.
"I know we only met an hour ago. But nothing a few pills can't stop right?" She said.
Max began to get freaked out. Deb was gonna try drug El to hook up?! "I really don't think that's a good idea." She said.
"Look Max. I know we barely know each other. But just take my advice, sometimes you gotta take the easy way you know? Between us girls, I'm getting wet just looking at her." She whispered the last part.
🚨(Drug mention finished) 🚨

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