Sleepover - 9

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Max was exhausted so El carried her until they got to the front door. "You alright?" El asked, gently putting her down.
"Yeah. I'll be fine." Max said, walking inside. El smiled and followed in behind her.

They walked down into the basement to see Mike and Will kissing, and Lucas and Dustin playing video games.
"Hey girls!" Dustin said, handing Max a controller.
"Hey Dustin." Max said, smiling and sitting down to play.

"Woah El, you alright?" Will asked, looking at her.
"Yeah, why?" El asked, confused.
"Your hair is a mess!" He said, laughing.
"Hey!" El said, she hit him playfully on the arm and smirked at Max quickly. "Your hair isn't any better Will, I'll tell you that." She said, ruffling his hair.
"Excuse you. This is my signature look!" He said, chasing El upstairs.

A few hours later
By now they had all settled down, and were feeling tired. It was late, around 2 am, but it was the weekend so they could sleep in.
"Guys, I think we should sleep." Dustin said yawning.
"Same, I'm tired." Lucas said. They all agreed and got changed into more comfortable clothes.

El and Max slept on a sofa, as did Will and Mike. Lucas and Dustin slept on separate air mattresses on the floor.
"Night guys." Mike said, turning off the lamp.
"Night." Everyone said.
El spooned Max and snuggled into her. "Goodnight darling." She whispered.
Max blushed, El's warm breath tickling her neck. "Goodnight baby." She said. They closed their eyes and fell asleep within seconds.

The next morning
Dustin poured water over the girls and they screamed. Max fell off the sofa and Dustin burst out laughing.
"Dustin!" El shouted. She leaned down and helped Max off the floor. She sat in El's lap, facing her, and hugged her. Her arms under El's arms and her legs around her waist.
"I'm still tired." She whispered sleepily.
"The others aren't up yet, you can sleep a bit longer. Shall I tuck you in?" El asked softly.
"No... I wanna stay here." Max said, lying her head on El's shoulder, already half asleep.
"Ok. Sleep well darling." El whispered. She gently rubbed Max's back as she fell asleep.

Once she was asleep, El slowly stood up, careful not to wake up Max. She was gonna lay Max down but she didn't let go.
"No..." Max said sleepily.
El chuckled, "Fine, shall I carry you with me?" She asked, sort of sarcastically.
"Yes." Max said simply. She fell back asleep a few seconds after.
El laughed but carried her anyway. She fixed the blanket on the sofa before walking over to Will. "Will, can you make breakfast?" She asked quietly.
"Do it yourself, I'm tired." Will said, opening his eyes.
El rolled her eyes and signalled to Max, still wrapped around her.

Will groaned, "Get your girlfriend off you and do it yourself!" He said.
El blushed, "She's not my girlfriend, and she's tired. And don't act like you don't know where everything is. You basically live here with your Mikey." She mocked, laughing.
Will chuckled, "Fine. You owe me." He said, kissing Mike's cheek before standing up.
"Aww how cute." El mocked, still laughing.
"Shut up, I'm literally making food for you. And don't act like you don't have a whole human on you." He said, laughing and walking upstairs.

El smiled and sat back down on the sofa she slept on. She got her phone and took a few pictures of her and Max, who was still asleep on her. She got her favourite one and put it as her lock screen, so she didn't forget about this day.

She just watched TikTok for a while until Will screamed from upstairs. "Breakfast is ready!"
El gently shook Max and she woke up.
"Hmm?" She asked sleepily.
"Will made breakfast. It's 10:30 by the way." El answered.
"Ok." Max said, still half asleep. She got off El and sat down beside her, trying not to fall asleep again.
El laughed, "Wake up Max!" She tickled her and that managed to wake Max up properly.
"You made me forget my dream!" She said, upset.
"What was it about?" El asked.
"I forgot!" Max said.
El burst out laughing, which made Max laugh too. "Oh yeah!" She said.

They laughed more before finally walking upstairs. The party all ate breakfast before getting ready and hanging out for ages. They talked, played, laughed and overall had the best time. They agreed to all meet up again soon and the girls left Mike's house at around 6pm.

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