Teddy - 12

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Max's POV
I was so relieved El's ok. It's like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I picked up the knife off the floor and put it back in the cupboard where it belongs.

I walked into the living room to see El sitting on the sofa, looking exhausted. I walked up to her, "You can have a nap if you want, I'll wake you up when I've finished." I said. She smiled slightly and lay down, I bent down and kissed her forehead before walking into the kitchen.

20 minutes later
I had made El waffles, since I know she loves them. I walked up to her and stroked her soft hair. "El, I've made waffles." I said quietly. She woke up slowly and looked around, her gaze softened when she saw me, which made me feel warm inside.

"Thank you." She said softly.
I smiled, "No problem Ellie." We sat down at the table and ate. Surprisingly, El finished it, and I was so proud of her. "Well done El, I'm so proud of you." I said, sitting beside her on the sofa, now watching a movie.

As the movie went on, I noticed El looking tired. Near the end of it, she lay her head on my lap and I played with her hair. She soon fell asleep, as I heard her soft and cute snores. I smiled, and carried her to my bedroom. I lay her down and was about to walk away when I felt a hand on my arm. "Can you stay?" El asked, sleepily.
I smiled, "Yeah of course." I lay beside her and hesitantly wrapped my arms around her, scared I was going too far. But that feeling disappeared as she snuggled closer into my chest.
"I missed you so much." She whispered, half asleep. "I love you Max."
I blushed, "I love you too El." I played with her brown hair before finally falling asleep.

A week later
El's POV
I woke up, and saw the sunlight beaming through the curtains. I was surprised, I hadn't managed to sleep through the whole night peacefully for the past few days. I already felt much better having Max with me, she's helped me eat and sleep better. She always tells me she loves me, and that she's proud of me for recovering so well. I'm so happy she's here with me.

Max seemed to wake up a few seconds later, since I felt her gently stroke my hair. "You awake Ellie?" She asked, still sounding sleepy.
"Mhm." I said, my eyes still closed. "I wanna go out today." I said.
"Sure, any ideas?" She asked.
"Build A Bear." I said, I really wanted a teddy.
"You want a teddy?" She asked, as if she was reading my mind.
"Mhm, I wanna share it with you though." I said, opening my eyes.
She chuckled, "Eleven. We're 18, don't you think we're too old to have teddies?" She asked.
"No! Teddies are so cute and cuddly! It'll be like our baby!" I said, sitting up.

Max's POV
My heart soared, she was thinking of us in the future? I always think of our future, like where we could move to, or even us getting married. I never thought she did too! That did it for me, so I agreed. "Fine, we can have a teddy baby." I said.
El stood up on the bed and jumped around, "Yes! Thank you!" Her smile was so genuine I thought my heart was gonna melt. She was already so much better.
I laughed, "Wait, do we have to name it?" I asked.
"Um yes? Of course! But I don't really know any good names." She said, she stopped jumping and thought.
"Don't worry about it, some people wait until they see the baby first before naming it." I said.
She smiled again, "Good plan. Now let's go!" She said, jumping off my bed and running to her room to get ready. I laughed, happy she was back to her child - like self.

Within 30 minutes, we were both ready and in the car. "Ok." El said, "We have to choose what animal we want." She said, focusing on the road.
"We can go inside, and see the first one that catches our eye. It'll be like love at first sight." I said.
"Aww, like me to you." She teased, laughing.
I laughed too, "Well it worked right?" I teased back.
She blushed, "Yeah, I guess it did." She said. My heart lit up, everything was amazing. I couldn't be more happy.

We arrived and El grabbed my hand, rushing me inside. She gasped, "There's too many to choose from! They're all so cute!" She said, looking at all of them.
"What about this one?" I asked, holding up a brown teddy bear with blue eyes. El turned around and looked at it.
"It's perfect!" She said, walking up to me.
I smiled, "Let's get it then!" I said, matching her energy.

We got it all pumped up and now we had to choose the name. "What shall we name it El?" I asked.
"Uhhh..." She thought for a moment, "Bear."
I smiled, she was so adorable. "Couldn't think of a better name myself." I said, she grinned at me and we brought the teddy outside after paying.
"Thank you Max, this is literally the cutest thing ever! After you of course." She added, smiling.
I blushed, "You're the cutest! And no problem, you still have to cuddle with me though. Not just Bear." I said.
"Of course I will! Bear's not going to stop me from doing so." She said, opening the car door for me. I got in and she got in the drivers seat.

"Here, you can hold him." She said, handing him to me while she started the car.
We drove home, talking along the way. Bear was cute, I'll admit it. But El was cuter. We made it and went inside the apartment.
"What shall we do now?" I asked.
"We can go Mike's, the party's going over there again." She said, locking the door behind us.
"Sure, can we cuddle first though?" I just wanted to cuddle her, I don't even know why.
She smiled, "Of course darling." I blushed at the nickname and we walked to her room.

We both lay down and El spooned me, she snuggled into me and I could feel myself falling asleep. I tried to stay awake, but my eyes started to feel heavy. El must've noticed, since she said, "You can sleep darling, we can go over to Mike's in the evening." After hearing that, I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep.

I hope you liked this chapter. ❤️
Sorry for not updating earlier, I needed some more ideas for the story. I'll try to update as soon as possible. Love you guys!

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