The Party - 14

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Dustin woke up first, and saw it was bright outside. He looked at the clock, 11;17. Damn they had slept a while. He stood up from his air mattress, and woke up Lucas. "Dude. Lucas." He whispered.
"Hmm?" Lucas mumbled sleepily.
"Let's wake up the others, it's 11." Dustin said.
"Alright, want me to wake up the boys?" Lucas asked, sitting up.
"No? We need to wake them up." Dustin said, smiling mischievously.
Lucas smirked, "What's the plan?" Dustin smiled and they made a plan to wake the others up, by pranking them of course.

Dustin walked up to the girls, and leant down to be next to El's ear. He took a deep breath before blowing the air horn he found in Mike's cupboard. El screamed and fell off the sofa. Everyone else quickly woke up to see what the noise was. "Dustin! You always seem to make one of us fall off the sofa." Max chuckled, helping El up.
"You're done." El giggled, tackling Dustin and knocking him to the ground. Everyone laughed as Dustin screamed, forgetting El was a trained cop.

Dustin screamed, "I'm sorry!" El laughed before getting off him. Lucas helped him up.
"No way you just got tackled by El." Mike laughed.
"Hey! What's that meant to mean?" El asked.
"Nothing, just I wouldn't be caught dead getting tackled b-" He got interrupted by El tackling him by the legs, making him fall onto the sofa.
"What were you gonna say?" El asked, laughing and getting off him too. Max laughed and stood up.
"Come on Ellie, no more tackling people. Even if you totally owned Mike." Max joked.
"I wasn't prepared!" Mike defended.
"You don't go, 'I'm gonna tackle you now, prepare yourself' do you?" Will answered.
"Wow, even my boyfriend is betraying me now. I see how it is." Mike laughed, shaking his head.

"I'm hungry." Dustin said out of nowhere.
Everyone laughed, "Alright, let's go into the kitchen. I was thinking we could make cookies for breakfast, it's the weekend after all." Mike said. Everyone agreed, especially El.
They walked into Mike's spacious kitchen, his parents had moved to a calmer street, and Holly had moved in with Nancy. Mike and Will basically lived together, just like El and Max.

Will got all the ingredients out, and set it all on the table. Max tied El's hair up for her, and El tied hers. They all out on aprons and got to work. They made a big mess, getting more flour on the table than the bowl. They added chocolate chips and of course ate some cookie dough before Mike put it into the oven.

(I don't know how long you're meant to bake cookies btw 😭)

30 minutes later
Mike got the cookies out of the oven and set them on the table. The others peaked over and looked at them, and they looks so good! They waited for them to cool down before trying them. They were way better than any ones they could've brought from the shops. When they were all finished, they cleaned everything up before going back to the basement.

Dustin and Lucas were teaching El how to play Mario Kart, while Max was just admiring her. Will noticed and sat beside her. "I can see you staring from over there." He joked.
Max blushed and chuckled, "Shut up, I wasn't staring. I was... admiring. There's a difference."
"Mhm definitely." Will sarcastically agreed, "Anyway, onto more honest topics. When are you gonna ask her out?!" He whispered.
Max blushed hard and tried to hide her face, Will smiled. "Answer me tomato." He laughed.
"Shut up!" Max said, still hiding her face. "Also, I don't know. I want it to be memorable, like I can't just ask her." Max said.
"How else are you sent to ask her out?!" Will whispered a bit louder than he meant to.

"Ask what?" El asked, looking away from the game.
"Uh nothing El! Don't worry about it." Will said hurriedly.
El saw Max hiding her face, "Why is-" She tried.
"El, you're last place!" Dustin shouted.
She looked back at the game, "Shit! Why can I only eat mushrooms, where are the eggos?!" El asked, trying to catch up with the others. Everyone laughed, El was so innocent in little things like that, I mean she was trapped in a lab for 11 years.

El stayed in the lab until she was 11, before escaping and getting found by the boys while they were on a hike through Hawkins, then she went to middle school when it started. Max and her family moved to Hawkins when they were all 13, and they all became friends. El and Max were obviously 'rivals', always pranking each other when they got the chance.
(In the UK, secondary school starts when you're 11 idk about the US 😭 Also, in this story, Max's family is alright. And of course Billy is alive, he's not racist but still an asshole. Classic older sibling. 🙄)

A few hours later
By now it was evening, and the party were about to head home. "See you guys soon!" They said, hugging everyone before heading to where they were meant to. Mike and Will obviously stayed at Mike's house.

El opened the door for Max before getting in herself. "Mario Kart is so fun! The red moustache man is small." El said, while driving down the roads of Hawkins.
"You mean Mario?" Max asked.
"The moustache man is Mario? I thought the mushrooms were, there were so many! I didn't find a single eggo!" El said.
Max laughed, "There aren't eggos in Mario Kart El." She said.
"Aww, eggos are better than mushrooms though." El said, a bit upset there were no eggos.
"That's true, nothing is better than eggos." Max said, trying to cheer El up.
"See, even you agree! Mario is just dumb." El concluded, proud of her analysis.
Max laughed at how adorable El was, and they arrived a few seconds later.

They got inside, got changed, cleaned up and went immediately to El's bed, tired after today. Max lay on El's chest, in between her legs as El wrapped an arm around her, stroking her head with the other. See normally people would think Max was always the big spoon, or El would always lay on her but actually she loved laying on El and being the little spoon. Even though she doesn't mind as long as she's still sleeping with El beside her.

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