Girlfriends - FINALE

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El's POV:
"Are you alright Max?" I asked, now feeling the sharp sting in my stomach.
"Yeah, thanks for beating his ass. He deserved it." She answered, looking down at him.
"About that... should I call Hopper and tell him to bring Neil to the station?"
Max thought for a few seconds, "Yeah. This bitch deserves to go to jail." She said.
I smiled, happy Neil was finally getting punished. I called Hopper and told him to come immediately as Max walked into the bathroom.

As Neil was waking up, Hopper arrived, and he dragged Neil into his car and into the station. As I shut the door behind them both, I heard Max shout for me. "El! Come, let me help with your wounds!" She was still in the bathroom so I walked in there too.
She put both hands on my shoulders and led me to the toilet seat so I could sit. It was closed by the way. "Ok, where did he hurt you?" She asked, getting the necessary things to help.
"He didn't hurt me." I said, the bruises on my stomach stinging more as I was sitting down.
Max looked me in the eyes, "I'm not stupid El. I saw him hurt you with my own eyes... and I didn't even help." She said, tears making she eyes shiny under the light.
I grabbed her hands and held them in mine, "Max it's fine. I know you wanted revenge so we got it." I said.
"I know but-" I interrupted her.
"No buts. I know you were scared of him, you still might be. But that's ok, he can't hurt you anymore." I said, wincing a bit as the pain came back.

"Shit. Where did he hurt you?" She asked, getting on her knees so she was just below my eye level.
"Here." I said, pulling up my shirt slightly, so you could see my stomach. It didn't look that bad, there was just bruises, luckily no blood. But it hurt like hell.
"Don't worry, I have the perfect things." She said, getting up on her feet to get antiseptic wipes and other things I didn't even know existed.
"Ok." She said, getting back on her knees, "This might hurt." I nodded and braced myself, and she gently wiped the bruises with the wipes.
She was right, it did hurt. A lot. Luckily she was doing it quickly, so it was over quick, though I could still feel the stinging afterwards.

A few minutes later, she finished cleaning all my wounds, and we stood up. She put her arms around my neck and leaned up to kiss me softly. "Thank you Ellie." She said.
I smiled, "Of course Max. Wanna go to the cinema?" I asked.
"Will you be ok?" Max asked.
"Obviously. Now hurry and get ready!" I said excitedly, Max smiled and went to her room to get changed, and I got changed in my room.

An hour later, we were watching the new black panther movie. It was amazing and Max teared up at the end of it.
We walked out the cinema, hands together, taking about the movie. I admired her as she rambled about how cool the movie was, and how it was dedicated to Chadwick Boseman.

We walked back to my car but instead of opening the door for her, I opened the boot. And no, I'm not gonna kidnap her. I pulled out a blanket, and she smiled. "Wanna go to the park?" I asked.
She nodded so I shut the boot and we both walked to the park. I set the blanket down on the grass and we both lay on it, looking up at the stars.

We sat there for a while, talking and admiring the stars. I began to get nervous as time went on, I'm planning to finally ask Max to be my girlfriend. Last time it didn't go so well, I don't know if I'm going to fast, or if I'm too slow, or if she overall just doesn't want to date me.

Max's POV:
El hasn't spoken for a while, so I looked over to her. She looks like she's overthinking something, hopefully it isn't bad. I slowly put my hand on hers on the blanket. "El?" I asked, "You alright?"
She looked startled for a moment but soon came to her senses. "Uh yeah, I'm ok." She gave me a nervous smile, "Can I ask you something?" We both sat up.
"Sure!" I smiled, trying to reassure her.
She looked down at her hands before looking back into my eyes, "Would you like to be my... girlfriend?"
I blushed, I was so happy! "Yes! Of course!" I said excited, El's nervous body language immediately disappeared and she smiled widely.

I got closer to her and put my arms around her neck as I kissed her softly. We pulled away and hugged her tight, holding her close. She lay down after a bit and I lay my head on her shoulder, she wrapped her arms around my waist and I snuggled closer.

"I love you El." I said, my face buried in her neck.
"I love you too Max." She said, stroking my hair with one hand.
We just lay there for a while, enjoying our time together. Happy we were finally dating.
I wouldn't dream of being with anyone else.
I guess Eleven Jane Hopper is my soulmate.


I really hope you guys enjoyed my story! Check out my other books and feel free to leave ideas, no matter how crazy they are.
I'm thinking of making a one shot book once I get more ideas, so if you have short ideas feel free to tell me them too.
You guys have given me so much support on this book and I really appreciate it.
I love you all so much! ♥️

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