The Park - 10

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The girls got home and relaxed for the evening before sleeping together.

The next morning
El had gone to work alone since Max still had a day off. She woke up at 8 before getting ready and heading out. She had arranged to meet Troy at the park in a few minutes, so she didn't want to be late.

El's POV
Over these past few weeks, I've fallen hopelessly in love with Max. I love everything she does, and every day I just fall more in love. Hopefully she still loves me, and I hope I'm not too late. I'm planning on asking Max to be my girlfriend tonight. It would make me the happiest girl in the world. I'll ask her at the park after work, as a surprise. She won't be there, she told me she isn't going out today. I'll write a letter expressing my love since I know sometimes you want extra guarantee I guess? I just want to tell her how much I love her.

Max's POV
A few hours passed and now it was 6:58. I knew El left work at 7, so I'm planning to leave in a second. I sort of lied to her, saying I wasn't going out but it's fine. She won't know and she doesn't have to know. I'm not doing anything bad anyway.

That was until Troy leaned in and kissed me. I was in total shock and didn't push away. Instead I kissed back. I don't know what the fuck happened to me but I kissed back for a while too. And before I knew it, I was making out with Troy. Yes, Troy, not El. My mind was telling me to push him away and slap him, but my body didn't. I kept kissing him, until I heard something drop on the floor. Troy pulled away and looked behind himself.

I saw who was behind him and my heart dropped. It was El.

El's POV
I rushed home and 6:45, Hopper let me leave early so I had time to prepare. Max wasn't home so maybe she was out. I didn't mind though, that just gave me more time. I wore a white T-shirt with black jeans, as well as a black jacket. I walked out the apartment, flowers and letter in hand, preparing myself to ask out the girl of my dreams.

15 minutes later
I finally reached the park. I didn't bring my car since Will was borrowing it, so I just walked there. I walked inside the gate and walked along the path, trying to find the perfect spot to put everything. I turned a corner and that's when I saw 2 people kissing on a bench. I didn't think much of it until I saw the red hair. No one else around here had red hair, except little Josie, but she's 3. My heart shattered into a million pieces as I realised who the boy was. Troy. With his brown wavy hair.

I prayed I was dreaming, and I'd just wake up with Max by my side. I even pinched my arm, but I didn't wake up. This was reality. The realisation hit me so hard my chest hurt. It felt like I couldn't breathe. My whole body was shutting down so I dropped the flowers, along with the letter held inside them.

They must of heard since Troy turned around first, then Max looked from over his shoulders. Her face was full of fear. But I didn't care. My breathing got fast as my vision blurred. What the fuck is happening to me? I was overcome by jealousy, anger, confusion, but most of all, sadness.

I turned around and walked away, leaving my flowers, letter and dream on the floor. I wanted to be Max's girlfriend, more than anything. But I guess she loves Troy. Tears flooded my eyes and I walked away, every step, a punishment. Maybe I wasn't good enough, Max deserved better. Even though Troy was a dickhead in school, he was better now. Maybe I hadn't made that improvement yet. I guess I was still that Eleven, the weird girl from nowhere. The one no one liked. I have tried so hard to be El Hopper, the kind girl who'd never hurt anyone unless they deserved it. The badass cop. The Chief's daughter. But I knew I had to face it, no matter what I did I'd always be the fucking lab rat, used for people's pleasure then thrown away.

My thoughts were interrupted by footsteps chasing after me. "El, stop!" Max's voice said.
"Go away Max." I said, walking faster.
"No, El!" She grabbed my arm, "Please. I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking I-" She rambled.
"You love Troy. I get it. I'm a lab rat, he's a successful baker. I don't blame you." I looked into her eyes, they were glazed with tears. "Be with him, you're an adult, be with who you want to be with. Just leave me alone." I said. I pulled my arm away from her and carried on walking.

Then Troy came running. "I'm so sorry El, I didn't know you two were a thing I mean-"
"It's fucking fine!" I shouted, my emotions taking control, "Everything is fine, I'm fine! Go, be with each other, it's ok. You two deserve each other. I'm meant to be alone, I understand. I've been alone for years, my whole life! Do what you guys wanna do! Just forget about me!" I screamed. "Just forget about me." I whispered.
I walked away again and finally got out the park.

Max was still chasing after me, I guess Troy went home. "El, please. I'm begging you. Just hear me out." She said.
"He kissed you, you kissed back. You liked it, you like him. I know already." I said.
"No El! I didn't like it! I don't know what happened. One second we were talking, the next kissing. I didn't want to!" Max shouted.
"Then why did you kiss him back? Why didn't you push him away? You... cheated." I said, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"How is it cheating if we're not dating?" She asked.
I turned to face her, "I was gonna ask tonight Max. If you wanted to be my girlfriend. I fucking love you so much. I was so alone, but you're the one who helped me. Who made me happy. Who fucking gave me a reason to live." I said.
"El..." Max whispered, tears falling too.

"I left work early." I said, entering my apartment building, "I was so fucking excited. I wanted nothing but to be yours. If you didn't like me anymore, you could've just told me. Even over text. It would've hurt less than you fucking kissing someone! I couldn't breathe Max! I thought you were the one person who couldn't hurt me. But I was wrong. Again." I said, ashamed.
"El, I don't like you. I fucking love you. I regret kissing Troy so much. Please El, I love you." She begged.
"Mhm. You just used me. Everyone uses me, whether it's for my powers, for fun, or for fuck what else, I just get used. I'm used to being used you can say. Now please, just go away." I said, walking into my apartment and slamming the door in Max's face.

I didn't even have the energy to lock it. I slid down the wall, crying hard. I heard Max crying on the other side. I couldn't bare it. I put a chair against the door and just cried. Until I had no more tears left.

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