Friends? - 2

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"What? Eleven I appreciate it but you can't. You don't know what he's capable of." Max said, letting go of El and shaking her head.
"You forgot what I can do." El said.
"Your powers? El you know you can't use them in public, and I can't expect you to do that, you've done enough even letting me stay here for a few minutes." Max said.
"If someone messes with my friends, I break the rules." El shrugged, "And you can stay here as long as you'd like." She said.
"Wait what? We're friends?" Max asked, shocked.
"If you want. I'm still getting you back for what you did at graduation though." El said, smiling.
"Yeah I'll be your friend, but what did I do? I've lost count of all the times I've bested you." Max joked.

"Shut up, remember you soaked me!?" El said.
"Ohh yeah! That was hilarious!" Max laughed.
"I almost slipped on stage!" El laughed too.
"Well... it breaks my school heart to say this, but you did make school fun for me." Max admitted. El pretended to be shocked.
"Me!? Not Dustin or Lucas?" El said, smiling.
"Yes, you. Now stop rubbing it in before I regret telling you." Max said.
"Fine... I'll admit too, you at least gave me a challenge in school." El said.
"Challenge for what? Hawkins' best joker?" Max asked.
"Exactly! Remember that time..."

The two girls talked about their times in school, the best pranks they did and how they had secretly enjoyed each others company, even though they'd never admit it in school.

By the time they'd got tired, it was dark outside. "Shit! What time is it?" El said, looking out the window and seeing how late it was.
"Umm..." Max looked at her phone, "It's half past eleven, Eleven." She joked.
"Hey! Don't bully my name Maxine." El said, smiling.
"Mhm, say that again and I'll soak you again." Max said, holding in her laughter.
"I'd like to see you try. Anyway, you hungry?" El asked.
"Yeah. You know how to cook?" Max asked.
"Ugh I wish! Do you know how to?" El asked.
"Um yeah? Didn't you see me in food tech?" Max asked.
"Um no? I was too busy using the fire extinguisher on my own food!" They both laughed.
"It's too late to cook now though, and you're probably tired. What do you wanna order?" El asked.
"Wow... you don't even know what I like." Max said.
"Aye, it's pizza isn't it? You brought it for the whole class once right, the only day I wasn't in?" El remembered.
"Right!" Max said, they laughed and ordered pizza.

They ate and joked until it was midnight. The girls cleaned up and El showed Max where she'd be sleeping.

"Ok..." El said, leading Max to the guest bedroom, "Here's where you'll be sleeping. Feel free to borrow any clothes, we can go shopping to buy you some soon."
"Thank you so much El you don't understand-" Max got interrupted.
"Don't mention it, I have work in the morning, do you work?" El asked.
"Um no..." Max said, embarrassed.
"Don't be embarrassed, we only graduated like a month ago. What do you wanna be?" She asked.
"A chef. It looks so cool!" She said.
"Damn, you must really know how to cook then!" El said, "Lie down, get comfortable." Max lay on the bed, and snuggled into its cozy and clean sheets.
"Thanks. What do you work as?" Max asked.
"A cop, Hopper's my boss." El said.
"Wow! Do you have a uniform?" Max asked.
"Uh, of course! I'll show you it tomorrow. Anyway, goodnight!" El said, walking out.
"Night! Thanks again!" Max said.

El smiled and shut the door before walking to her own room, she got dressed into her pyjamas before lying down in bed. She was happy Max was staying. Even if it was for a bit, she was thankful for having someone to talk to.

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