ch1: " dont want you getting lost "

880 17 22

Hawkins, Indiana, 1985 - Mayfield Residence
third person pov

"YOU'RE NOT GONNA FALL, trust me." max held onto y/n's hand as y/n was attempting to ride her skateboard.

"i don't know about this..."

"just kick your left foot and then put it onto the board when you start rolling." max instructed.

y/n kicked her left foot on the road and the board began to roll as she lifted her foot back onto it. "i'm doing it!"

max was holding her hand the whole way, y/n still kicking when she felt the board slow down.

"max, im doing it!" y/n smiled proudly.

max let go of y/n's hand to see if she could keep going without a hold.

"max, wait! max, stop, come back! im gonna fa-"


y/n hit the floor, landing on her elbows. max ran up to her in worry. "holy shit! y/n, are you okay?"

y/n looked around and fell into a fit of laughter. max smiled and began to laugh along with her.

"its fine. just a small scratch." y/n lift up her elbow to reveal the scrap from catching herself.

"let's go inside and get you a band-aid."

y/n's pov

we walked into max's house to grab a band-aid. today, the party is meeting up at the starcourt mall for our weekly movie. the unfortunate part about it is that hopper doesn't let el out for safety reasons since the lab workers might still be out looking for her.

the party has changed, a lot. we've all grown taller, especially the boys and their voice have gotten deeper. us girls haven't changed much besides height. el's hair is shoulder length now. it looks good on her.

mike and el have been together since the snowball. max and lucas as well. me and will on the other hand, we didn't really get together. i still have feeling for him, and boy, have they grown since he's changed. he's wayyy cuter now if you ask me.

i still have my powers. but the group still doesn't know. trust me, i've tried. a lot. i'm always getting cut off and interrupted so i kind of stopped trying. i still practice at the junkyard, just so that they don't go away.

dustin currently is out at a science camp. he returns tomorrow, which i am very excited about. i've missed him.

back to the present, max cleaned up my scrape and but a bandaid on it. "thanks." i smiled.

"we should get going to the mall now. we dont want lucas bugging about us being late."

"yeah, let's go." we walked outside and got on our bikes.

we rode into the night, on our way to the famous starcourt mall.


Hawkins, Indiana - Starcourt Mall
third person pov

the neon lights could be seen from the distance as y/n and max biked to the main entrance of the mall.

the lights always brought a joy to y/n. they were so bright and colorful. it gave her a happy feeling.

as they got closer, y/n could see the figures of two of her best friends, one being her long-lasting crush, in the distance.

"you're late." lucas stated.

"not even, the movie hasn't started yet." y/n said as she parked her bike next to her friends'. "and not even a, 'hi, how are you, my favorite person in the party and my girlfriend'."

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