ch13: " those were russians ?"

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Hawkins, Indiana - Bradley's Big Buy
third person pov

since y/n was completely drained from all the times she used her powers, eleven decided it was her turn to help.

she was sat in front of one of the freezers, the eggo one to be exact, looking for dustin in the void. it was silent, everyone around sat and waited patiently.

except for one. lucas. he cracked open a can of coke and slurped it loudly. max turned to face him. "quiet."

"sorry." he whispered back and continued to still drink it awfully loud.

mike looked at him in disgust. "how do you even drink that?" he spoke at a normal voice level.

"because it's delicious."

"what?" max and mike jinxed.

"it's like carpenter's the thing. the original is a classic, no question about it. but the remake.." lucas slurped loudly at the soda. "sweeter, bolder..better."

y/n raised her eyebrows and sighed. "you must be really confident about the soda."

"once again, because it's delicious." lucas repeated.

"you're insane." said mike with furrowed eyebrows.

"so, you prefer the original thing?"

"what? no, i'm not talking about the thing, i'm talking about new coke." mike argued.

"it's the same concept, dude."

"uh, actually, it's not the same concept.

"it is the same concept."

"are you seriously arguing over a soda? we have bigger things to worry about here." y/n rolled her eyes.

"yes, we are." lucas responded. "it's the same concept."

"no, it's not." mike denied, shaking his head.

"hey." eleven ripped her head band off.

everyone turned to look at her. "sorry." mike and lucas apologized.

"were you able to find dustin?" y/n asked her. she really hoped she was able to, she missed him a lot.


lucas pushed his cart of fireworks through the aisles of the store, the group following close behind. "the movies? dustin's so freaked out about the gate, he decides to go watch a movie? yeah, makes total sense."

"he probably has a reason to be there. dustin wouldn't just go to the movies while we're dealing with stuff like this." y/n shrugged.

"you're positive he said gate and not great?" max looked back at eleven.

"yeah, like, 'this movie i'm watching it great.'" will quoted from beside y/n.

"sounded like gate." el answered them as they walked out of the store.

"which would explain how the mind flayer's still alive." mike had his arm wrapped around el to help her walk because of her leg.

"yeah, we just have to shut it again." nancy informed simply.

"then the monster dies."

"but, we don't even know where the gate is. and it can't be that easy to close it again. eleven and i are hurt." y/n said.

"it's okay, we have lucas' fireworks." max smiled sarcastically as they took the shopping cart outside of the store.

"keep mocking my plan, max. keep mocking it. i wanna hear you say it again, because you keep doubting me. you keep doubting me."

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