ch2: " welcome home !"

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Hawkins, Indiana - Lawson Residence
the next day - third person pov

Y/N WOKE UP with the bright summer sun shining in through her blinds, right on her face. her slightly younger brother, y/b/n (if you don't have a brother just come up with a name), barged into her room.

"rise and shine, y/n! time to wake up! mom made some y/f/f!" he shouted. y/n sat up as her little brother left and shut the door.

she got changed into her outfit for the day. a purple tank top, jean shorts, and a pair of black converse. she rushed down stairs and served herself some food, sitting on the table and digging in.


Hawkins, Indiana - Byers Residence

will and joyce byers were sitting at the table, about to start eating breakfast, when jonathan hassled out of his room. his hair was a mess and he had a lipstick on his cheek from a kiss.

joyce quickly noticed the lipstick and stood up. "hey, hey, hey. wait up."

"oh, no, i'll eat at work, mom. i'm late."

as she got closer she stuck out her hand and wiped the lipstick off his cheek. "no. your cheek."

"alright, alright." jonathan brushed her hand off with a smile. "i gotta run. see you later."

"alright, bye." she went and sat back down at the table with will.

"ugh, gross." will scoffed.

"well, i don't think you're gonna think it's gross when you fall in love." she smiled.

"i'm not..gonna fall in love.."

"really? not even..." joyce raised her eyebrows and smiled more.

"mommmm." will groaned as his face turned bright red.

"i'm just saying. i mean, you two would be pretty cute."


"sorry. sorry." joyce turned her attention back to her plate, but noticed the magnets and a couple drawings fell off her fridge. "hey, what happened here." she walked over to the fridge and picked up the drawings and magents.

"i don't know."

she grabbed the "bob newby superhero" drawing will made before he died. the memory made her face soften, but she just hung it back up and went back to go eat.


Hawkins, Indiana - Lawson Residence

"alright, i'm off the dustin's house." y/n announced to her mom at she put her plate in the sink.

"okay, have fun. tell him i said hi!"

"alright, bye! love you!"

"love you, too." y/n walked out of the door and mounted onto her bike, pedaling away and to dustin's house.

on the way, she ran into will. "hey." she smiled.


"so, you excited for dustin's return? we're definitely gonna scare him shitless" she laughed

"yeah, i bet. i'm excited, though. i think you guys are really gonna like my campaign. it came out really good. i worked hard."

"i bet it's amazing. i can't wait to play. especially now that dustin will be home."

"yeah." will sighed with a bright smile.

"wanna see something cool?" she looked at him as she continued to pedal. he nodded and she faced forward. y/n began to pedal more and eventually took her hands off of the bars. she rode around without her hands on for a couple of seconds, before placing them back on the bars.

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