ch3: " what are you doing here ?"

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Hawkins, Indiana - Lawson Residence
third person pov

THE NEXT MORNING the lawson household was silent. y/n got up and walked around the house, looking for a sign of anyone. she found a note on the fridge:

i've gone to the store to do some grocery shopping. there's some pancakes in the microwave if you're hungry. you're brother went out with some friends to the arcade.

-love, mom

y/n grabbed the pancakes from the microwave and ate them. she decided that today she was going to the junkyard to practice more with her powers, considering she hasn't gone in a while.

she went up stairs and got dressed. she put on a black t-shirt and some short with her black converse. she wrote up a note and left it for her mom:

went to the junkyard, be home soon.


when she finished getting ready, she got on her bike and left for the junkyard.


Hawkins, Indiana - Wheeler Basement
mike's pov

i can't believe him. hopper threatened me last night and told me i can't hang out with el anymore. but, i'm supposed to go over today.

"mike! phone!" my mom called from upstairs. oh, boy here we go.


i walked over to the phone and picked it up, holding it up to my ear. "hello?"

a sigh of relief was heard on the other end. "it's 9:32. where are you?"

"sorry, i-i was just about to call. i, um.." think, mike, think! "...can't see you today."

"what..why not?"

"it's my nana. she's very sick."

what have i done?

"but hop said that your nana was okay, that it was a false alarm." el said through the phone.


"yeah. that's...what..we thought it was at first, but then she took a real turn for the worse." i just had to make an excuse.


"yeah. we think she might...die."

"what?" spoke a voice that definitely wasn't el's. my eyebrows furrowed in confusion until i realized it was my mom!!

my eyes widened and i took the phone away from my ears, covering up the speaker. "mom! get off the phone! how many times?!"

"did nana call?" my mom yelled.

"no, mom! just get off the phone!" i sighed and put the phone back against my ear. "sorry about that."

"was that your mom?" el asked.

"yeah. she's so upset she's making no sense. because we have to go to the nursing home. to see nana."

"you can come over after?" el questioned.

"no! i mean, i-i just think...i need to be alone today. with my..feelings?"

"do you lie?"

"what?!" i exclaimed. "no. friends don't lie. what, mom?" i pretended my mom was calling me from upstairs. "my mom's calling me. better go. talk to tomorrow. miss you already. bye!" i quickly hung up the phone. what have i gotten myself into?

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