ch14: "we could've used you up here"

482 13 18

Hawkins, Indiana - Starcourt Mall
third person pov

el screamed in pain, y/n sobbed. the creatures continued to move inside of them, making mushy noises.

"what is that?" erica tried to get a closer look.

"there's something in there." mike stated.

"keep them talking. keep them awake? okay?" jonathan stood up and ran to a restaurant to get a couple things to help them.

y/n leaned her head on will's chest as she sobbed. she started to feel like she was about to pass out, which will quickly noticed. "no, no, no. you have to stay awake." he lifted her head from his chest and held her hand.

"you know, it's not actually that bad. the goalie on my soccer team, beth wildfire, this other girl slid into her leg, and the bone came out of her knee, six inches or something it was insane." robin ranted, trying to lighten the mood.

"robin." steve called.


"you're not helping." he shook his head.

"i'm sorry."

jonathan came running back with a knife, gloves, and two wooden spoons. "okay, i'm gonna help el first, okay? alright, el, this is gonna hurt like hell, okay?"

"okay." el sobbed out and nodded her head.

jonathan began to put the gloves on. "i need you to stay real still. here, you're gonna want to bite down on this, okay?" he put the wooden spoon into eleven's mouth. slowly, he held the knife just above the cut. then, he cut into the flesh, causing el to let out a scream.

blood came gushing out, everyone looked in horror. will held y/n's head and put it back onto his chest. "d-don't look at that."

once the cut was open, jonathan put his fingers into it. eleven began to scream loudly.

"jonathan, stop!" nancy yelled, noticing el's state.

"stop talking!"

el shook her head and spit out the spoon. "no! stop it!"

nancy tapped jonathan's shoulder. he moved away from el as she sat up again. "i can do it. i can do it." she held her arm out in front of her and focused on her leg. she wailed as the thing inside her moved around. eventually, she got it out, screaming loudly.

the glass behind them shattered everywhere. everyone ducked and back up from the glass. the creature rushed away without hesitation. steve smashed it under his shoe, a crunch sound escaping.

next was y/n. she was terrified after seeing, more hearing, what eleven went through. instead of jonathan repeating the process, eleven just used her powers like she did with herself.

y/n screamed in pain as she felt the mini monster move inside her. she squeezed will's hand so hard that she thought she might've accidentally broken it. but eventually, it was out. she rested her head on will's shoulder, completely exhausted.

this time, the monster scurried away. it gut crushes by a giant boot. y/n looked up to see the one and only, hopper, joyce, and murray.


"the mind flayer, it built this monster in hawkins, to stop el, to kill her and pave a way into our world." mike explained to the group.

will and y/n sat on the fountain, y/n resting herself on the boy. hopper and el sat on a bench, sat the same way. joyce sat next to them as well.

"and it almost did. that was just one tiny piece of it." nancy said.

"how big is this thing?" hopper questioned.

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