ch4: " a day.. free of girls!"

571 17 4

Hawkins, Indiana - Hopper Cabin
third person pov

ANGEL BY madonna was playing on the radio as max hopped around, singing along with a hairbrush as a microphone.

"you must be angel
i can see it in your eyes, full of wonder
and surprise..."

eleven opened her magazine that she was going through and on it was a full pay of ralph macchio. her cheeks turned a bright pink and she smiled.

"and just now i realize"

max noticed el's flustered expression and giggled, putting the hairbrush down."oh, you found ralph macchio."

"ooh, you're an angel
ooh, you're an angel"


"yeah, he's the karate kid! hai-yah!" max did. a karate chop in front of el, causing her to giggle.

"ooh, you're an angel"

"he's so hot, right? i bet he's an amazing kisser too." max smiled. el gave her a shocked face and max chuckled, but went serious again. "hey, uh, is mike a good kisser?"

"in disguise
i can see it in your eyes"

"i don't know." el blushed. "he's my first boyfriend."

max squinted her eyes. "ex-boyfriend."

el's smile faded and max was quick to notice. "hey, don't worry about it. okay?" max comforted her. "he'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness. i guarantee you, him and lucas are, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now. they're like, 'oh, i hope they take us back'."

el and max started laughing at max's impression of the two boys. "god, what i wouldn't give to see their stupid faces." max exclaimed. el thought for a moment and looked at max.

"what is it?" max looked at el.


the radio static crackled as el put her blindfold on, sitting on the floor. she was gonna spy on the three boys.

"is this really gonna work?" max questioned as she sat on eleven's bed. el nodded in response and max smiled. "holy shit, this is insane."


"yeah, quiet. i'm sorry."

blood tripped down el's nose as she went into the void.

"what's wrong with me? what did i do wrong?" mike complained as he was laid on the couch, shoving chips into his mouth.

"nothing." lucas answered. he was stood up next to mike, walking back and forth.

will was sitting at the d&d table, setting up a game.

"what did i do wrong? what could i have done wrong?"

"do i have to go through this again?"

"i see them." el spoke after a long silence.

max stood up from the bed and kneeled down next to el. "what are they doing?"


loud crunches echoed through the void as mike shoved more chips into his mouth. "i just don't understand what i did to deserve this."

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