ch8: " seriously ?"

560 15 11

Hawkins, Indiana - Wheeler Residence
third person pov

the next morning everyone woke up still shaken
up from the previous events of the night before. everyone had decided to stick together and sleep in mike's basement, for safety purposes.

y/n wasn't sure if she would rather go home and have to make up a lie to her mom, or stay in a basement full of people who currently hated her. but she chose the basement.

god, how she missed dustin right now. he could've been useful.

once everyone woke up, they went to their own houses and got ready. y/n told her mom and said that she just slept over at her friends house. it wasn't a complete lie.

she showered and changed into a normal summer outfit (you can pick whatever you like). the water from the shower burned on the cut that bled crazy after the fight. it was still bleeding a bit, but was mostly dried up.

it still stung. a lot. and her head was still pounding. she had a red and purple bruise across her neck from billy gripping on it so hard.

after she got ready she went back to mike's house. el was looking for hopper and y/n was looking for dustin.

"i found him." she heard el speak after a long silence.

"where is he?" max asked.



"he's with...will's mom." she softly stated. y/n furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion. since when are they together?

"my— my mom?" will stuttered and sat forward.

max pinched her eyebrows together. "what are they doing?"

"ill...annoy. they're going to ill-annoy."

knocking was heard on the door. "mike! breakfast!"

"not now, mom!" mike turned to the door and looked back at el. "illinois? illinois, like the state?"

el removed her blindfold and shrugged. "ill-annoy."

y/n sighed frustratedly and removed her blindfold as well.

will looked at her. "did you find him? dustin?"

y/n shook her head and sat back, sighing again. mike rolled his eyes and looked at her. "haven't you had these powers for a while now? shouldn't you be good at them?"

"maybe he's too far away." will defended the girl.
mike shook his head and returned his attention back to the short haired girl.

max stood up and held out a hand to her. "let's get you cleaned up?"

el nodded and walked to the bathroom with max. y/n sat at the rocking chair next to the couch as the three boys returned to their own little circle.
she began to pick at the dried blood in the back of her head. her hair was tied into two braids, so it was easy access.

she picked at it and peeled a piece off, not even realizing that she made that piece start bleeding again, along with other small pieces. her leg bounced up and down and she fiddled with her fingers.

"something's not right." y/n heard mike as his voice got louder. he was pacing back and forth as lucas sat on the couch and will sat at the dnd table. "i can't get hopper off my back all summer, now all of a sudden he's hiking with will's mom to illinois? and dustin's mia, too? i mean, this can't be a coincidence"

"what does it matter?" lucas questioned. "the bottom line is, they're not here. it's up to us."

"up to us to do what exactly?"

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