ch12: " its close ."

529 16 0

Hawkins, Indiana - Hopper Cabin
third person pov

once the girl calmed down, she told everyone about what billy told her. she was sat on the couch, with will next to her, holding her hand in comfort.

"he said he was building something and that it was all for me and eleven."

"building something. is he talking about the flayed?" max wondered.

"he must be." nancy said.

lucas walked back and forth. "so he's building an army, just like we thought."

"yeah, but he's not building this army to spread." mike explained.

"he's building it to stop eleven and y/n." will added.

"last year, el closed the gate on him." mike reminded. "i have a feeling it really pissed him off."

"like, royally." lucas stated.

"and the mind flayer now knows that they're the only thing that can stop him. but if she's out of the way—"

"game over." lucas finished for mike.

"yeah, and he also said he was gonna end everyone. you guys too." y/n looked up at her friends.

it went quiet, most of their eyes widened. max looked around and shrugged. "yeah, well, that's nice."

faint screeching noises were heard in the distance. nancy stood up and walked to the window, looking outside. "do you guys hear that?"

"it's just the fireworks." jonathan assured.

"billy..." nancy began and turned to look at y/n. "when he told you this, it was here, in this room?"

y/n nodded worriedly, here heart began to pound again. "yeah."

the noise started to get closer and louder. will brought his empty hand up to the back of his neck. "he knows we're here."

y/n's palm started to sweat against will's hand. everyone ran outside to see what was happening. the trees rustled and swayed. a fleshy monster, much bigger than the one from the hospital, was coming straight towards them, knocking trees down.

nancy went to the storage shed outside and collected weapons while everyone else inside the house boarded up the windows with couches and tables.

"get away from the windows." nancy spoke once she came back inside and everything was guarded.

the group gathered in a circle in the middle of the living room. the ground rumbled and things in the room began to shake. the electricity crackled and plates shook.

"it's close." will broke the loud silence between the teens. cups that were hung up fell and shattered.

suddenly, the rattling of everything stopped. it went silent.

"where did it go?" max looked around.

two tentacles from the monster burst through the wall, causing the group to jump in fright and spread out. it went straight from eleven and y/n. jonathan attacked one with his axe and nancy shot at the other one with her shotgun.

the tentacle flew and jonathan, making him go flying and hit the wall. it went straight at him, about to attack again. eleven used her powers to stop it and broke it in two.

nancy continued to shoot at the other one, so it sunk back up from the hole it came from. anothe four came after the two powerful girls, so they stopped it with their abilities and snapped them in half.

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